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Micropollutant fluxes in urban environment: a catchment perspective. [Dataset]


Kathryn Proctor
Data Collector

Luigi Lopardo
Data Collector

Dolores Camacho Muñoz
Data Collector

Jack Rice
Data Collector


Anthropogenic substances, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, plasticizers, UV filters, industrial chemicals etc., have been widely recognised to be entering the environment from a variety of sources. There are many studies that detail the presence of a range of compounds in a variety of matrices, however the majority of this existing work has been focused on one or two classes at a time, or a small number of compounds of emerging concern (CECs), primarily in aqueous matrices. The aim of the paper is to investigate the changes in micropollutant load throughout a river catchment system in the South-West of the UK, to gain further information on their sources, fate and behaviour. This was achieved by undertaking a comprehensive investigation of 142 CECs, previously prioritised and analytical method validated (Proctor et al., 2019), at five strategic WwTWs representing >75 % of the catchment population. At each WwTW, influent (both liquid and solid phases) and effluent wastewater, digested solids, and upstream and downstream river water were monitored for 7 consecutive days.


PROCTOR, K., PETRIE, B., LOPARDO, L., MUÑOZ, D.C., RICE, J., BARDEN, R., ARNOT, T. and KASPRZYK-HORDERN, B. 2021. Micropollutant fluxes in urban environment: a catchment perspective. [Dataset]. Journal of hazardous materials [online], article ID 123745. Available from:

Acceptance Date Aug 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Aug 23, 2020
Publication Date Jan 5, 2021
Deposit Date Jan 21, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jan 29, 2021
Publisher Elsevier
Keywords Pharmaceuticals; Pesticides; Endocrine disruptors; River; Wastewater; Solids; Personal care products; Chemicals of emerging concern
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Type of Data Supporting text file.
Collection Date Feb 29, 2020
Collection Method Samples were collected at each of the five WwTWs (A-E) for 7 consecutive days between June and October 2015. Sampling was carried out using volume proportional sampling for influent wastewater, time-proportional for effluent and grab sampling for river water upstream and downstream of the effluent discharge point. Digested sludge was collected, via grab sampling, on three consecutive days from WwTW B and WwTW E. Liquid samples were spiked with internal standards and analytes extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE) using OASIS HLB cartridges before analysis with ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) (Waters). The solid samples were frozen, freeze-dried, homogenised, weighed and spiked with internal standard before undergoing microwave assisted extraction (MAE) followed by SPE with OASIS MCX cartridges.