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They wanted to know what it was like through my eyes: patients and carers views, experiences, and perceptions of active involvement in the delivery of an undergraduate pharmacy curriculum. (2022)
Journal Article
JEBARA, T., EDWARDS, R. and TONNA, A. 2022. They wanted to know what it was like through my eyes: patients and carers views, experiences, and perceptions of active involvement in the delivery of an undergraduate pharmacy curriculum. Currents in pharmacy teaching and learning [online], 14(3), pages 281-289. Available from:

Introduction: There is an increasing policy and practice imperative for involving patients and carers in health-related undergraduate courses. The School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences at Robert Gordon's University, United Kingdom launched a module wh... Read More about They wanted to know what it was like through my eyes: patients and carers views, experiences, and perceptions of active involvement in the delivery of an undergraduate pharmacy curriculum..

Pharmacy owners' views and experiences with the implementation of medication reviews: a qualitative study. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MICHEL, D.E., TONNA, A.P., DARTSCH, D.C. and WEIDMANN, A.E. 2022. Pharmacy owners' views and experiences with the implementation of medication reviews: a qualitative study. Presented at 8th PCNE (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe) working symposium 2022: navigating research on pharmaceutical care, 11-12 February 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Following amendment of German legislation in 2020, patients are entitled to pharmaceutical care services including medication reviews (MRs). Despite this, provision of such services is not mandatory for community pharmacies and MRs are not widely ava... Read More about Pharmacy owners' views and experiences with the implementation of medication reviews: a qualitative study..

Key stakeholders' experiences with the implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MICHEL, D., TONNA, A., DARTSCH, D. and WEIDMANN, A. 2022. Key stakeholders' experiences with the implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review. Presented at 8th PCNE (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe) working symposium 2022: navigating research on pharmaceutical care, 11-12 February 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Background: Many unplanned hospital admissions occur due to adverse drug events which may be reduced by medication reviews (MRs), a pharmacist intervention that aims to optimise drug use. However, evidence suggests that MRs are not widely available i... Read More about Key stakeholders' experiences with the implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review..

The incidence and determinants of metabolic syndrome amongst a group of migrants to Qatar: a prospective longitudinal observational cohort study 24-months post-migration. (2021)
Journal Article
AL-ADAWI, R.M., PRABHU, K.S., STEWART, D., RYAN, C., ABDELAZIZ, H., ELEDRISI, M., IBRAHIM, M.I.M., UDDIN, S. and TONNA, A.P. 2022. The incidence and determinants of metabolic syndrome amongst a group of migrants to Qatar: a prospective longitudinal observational cohort study 24-months post-migration. Journal of clinical medicine [online], 11(1), article 34. Available from:

While there is some evidence that migration to Western countries increases metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk, there is a lack of data pertaining to migration to the Middle East. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between migration and MetS... Read More about The incidence and determinants of metabolic syndrome amongst a group of migrants to Qatar: a prospective longitudinal observational cohort study 24-months post-migration..

Theoretical exploration of development and implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programs in hospitals in the United Arab Emirates: a qualitative study of the perspectives of key stakeholders and health professionals. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HASHAD, N., STEWART, D., PERUMAL, D., RAZZAQ, N.A. and TONNA, A.P. 2021. Theoretical exploration of development and implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programs in hospitals in the United Arab Emirates: a qualitative study of the perspectives of key stakeholders and health professionals. Presented at 49th ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) virtual symposium on clinical pharmacy (ESCP 2021): clinical pharmacy, working collaboratively in mental health care, 19-21 October 2021, [virtual conference].

Background and Objective: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) has been declared as a public health emergency and has led to the establishment of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs (ASP) to enhance prudent use of antimicrobials1. In the United Arab Emirate... Read More about Theoretical exploration of development and implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programs in hospitals in the United Arab Emirates: a qualitative study of the perspectives of key stakeholders and health professionals..

Developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists. (2021)
Journal Article
DEPASQUALE, C., BROWN, A., ARNOLD, A., DRUMMOND, N. and TONNA, A. 2021. Developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists. Currents in pharmacy teaching and learning [online], 13(10), pages 1319-1323. Available from:

Introduction: This project aimed to develop content, pilot delivery, and evaluate effectiveness of an innovative Medicines Safety School Programme delivered by student pharmacists to primary school pupils. Methods: A collaborative approach between ac... Read More about Developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists..

Experiences of key stakeholders with the implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). (2021)
Journal Article
MICHEL, D.E., TONNA, A.P., DARTSCH, D.C. and WEIDMANN, A.E. 2022. Experiences of key stakeholders with the implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Research in social and administrative pharmacy [online], 18(6), pages 2944-2961. Available from:

Background: Though medication reviews have shown positive patient outcomes, they are still not widely implemented in community pharmacies. Published reviews on their implementation often include several other pharmacy services, making them non-specif... Read More about Experiences of key stakeholders with the implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)..

Medikationsanalyse einführen, aber wie? (2021)
Journal Article
MICHEL, D., TONNA, A., WEIDMANN, A. and DARTSCH, D. 2021. Medikationsanalyse einführen, aber wie? Deutsche apotheker zeitung [online], 161(21), pages 48-50. Available from:

In many countries, medication analyzes (MA) have long been established as a remunerable service in public pharmacies. The evidence is increasingly well established. MAs were able to reduce drug-related problems, improved clinical parameters such as b... Read More about Medikationsanalyse einführen, aber wie?.

Patients' and doctors' experiences with medication reviews: a literature review using the CFIR. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MICHEL, D., TONNA, A., DARTSCH, D. and WEIDMANN, A. 2021. Patients' and doctors' experiences with medication reviews: a literature review using the CFIR. Presented at 12th Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) working conference 2021: partnering for better patient outcomes: challenges and opportunities, 3-6 February 2021, [virtual conference].

Medication reviews (MRs) aim at optimising medicines use and improving health outcomes. Despite encouraging literature reports, their implementation differs between countries. Ultimately, the only interventions that will succeed are those that are ac... Read More about Patients' and doctors' experiences with medication reviews: a literature review using the CFIR..

A systematic review of pharmacists’ input in the screening, management and prevention of metabolic syndrome. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AL ADAWI, R., STEWART, D., RYAN, C. and TONNA, A. 2020. A systematic review of pharmacists' input in the screening, management and prevention of metabolic syndrome. Presented at Qatar University Annual Research Forum and Exhibition 2020 (QUARFE 2020), 28 October 2020,Doha, Qatar. Hosted on Qspace [online]. Available from:

To critically appraise, synthesise, and present the available evidence on pharmacists' input to the screening, prevention and management of metabolic syndrome (MetS). The protocol was developed based on the 'Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic r... Read More about A systematic review of pharmacists’ input in the screening, management and prevention of metabolic syndrome..

Mapping hospital antimicrobial stewardship programmes in the Gulf Cooperation Council states against international standards: a systematic review. (2020)
Journal Article
HASHAD, N., PERUMAL, D., STEWART, D. and TONNA, A. 2020. Mapping hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs in the Gulf Cooperation Council states against international standards: a systematic review. Journal of hospital infection [online], 106(3), pages 404-418. Available from:

Background: While there is evidence of implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASP) in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States, there has been limited benchmarking and mapping to international standards and frameworks. Aim: To criti... Read More about Mapping hospital antimicrobial stewardship programmes in the Gulf Cooperation Council states against international standards: a systematic review..

Views and experiences of community pharmacy team members on antimicrobial stewardship activities in Scotland: a qualitative study. (2020)
Journal Article
TONNA, A.P., WEIDMANN, A.E., SNEDDON, J. and STEWART, D. 2020. Views and experiences of community pharmacy team members on antimicrobial stewardship activities in Scotland: a qualitative study. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 42(5), pages 1261-1269. Available from:

Background: It has been acknowledged and recognised internationally that the community pharmacy team has a major role to play in antimicrobial stewardship programmes, particularly regarding patient engagement. However, there is a paucity of published... Read More about Views and experiences of community pharmacy team members on antimicrobial stewardship activities in Scotland: a qualitative study..

A systematic review of pharmacist input to metabolic syndrome screening, management and prevention. (2020)
Journal Article
AL ADAWI, R.M., STEWART, D., RYAN, C. and TONNA, A. 2020. A systematic review of pharmacist input to metabolic syndrome screening, management and prevention. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 42(4), pages 995-1015. Available from:

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and include: diabetes and prediabetes, abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high blood-pressure. However, t... Read More about A systematic review of pharmacist input to metabolic syndrome screening, management and prevention..

Time above the MIC of piperacillin-tazobactam as a predictor of outcome in pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia. (2020)
Journal Article
TANNOUS, E., LIPMAN, S., TONNA, A., HECTOR, E., HUSSEIN, Z., STEIN, M., and REISFELD, S. 2020. Time above the minimum inhibitory concentration of piperacillin/tazobactam as a predictor of outcome in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy [online], 64(8), article ID e02571-19. Available from:

All rights reserved. Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia is an infection associated with a high mortality rate. Piperacillin-tazobactam is a β-lactam-β-lactamase inhibitor combination that is frequently used for the management of Pseudomonas aeruginosa... Read More about Time above the MIC of piperacillin-tazobactam as a predictor of outcome in pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia..

Exploring the opinions of community pharmacists on the implementation of satellite methadone clinics in Malta: a small island state. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TONNA, R., TONNA, A., MIFSUD, J. and CRUICKSHANK, S. 2020. Exploring the opinions of community pharmacists on the implementation of satellite methadone clinics in Malta: a small island state. Presented at the 2020 Health services research and pharmacy practice conference, 16-17 April 2020, Cardiff, UK.

Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) was introduced in Malta in 1987 and is provided by the Substance Misuse Outpatient Unit (SMOPU), formerly referred to as Detox. Presently Malta’s national drug policy encourages healthcare professionals and servi... Read More about Exploring the opinions of community pharmacists on the implementation of satellite methadone clinics in Malta: a small island state..

Is there a role for the pharmacist in screening for metabolic syndrome? (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MOUSTAFA, R., PRABHU, K.S., STEWART, D., RAYAN, C., ABDEL AZIZ, H., EL EDRISI, M., IZHAM, M., JOCHEBETH, A., KUTTIKRISHNAN, S., O'CONNOR, A., YOUNG, M., STEINHOFF, M., UDDIN, S. and TONNA, A. 2020. Is there a role for the pharmacist in screening for metabolic syndrome? Presented at the 25th European Association of Hospital Pharmacists congress (EAHP 2020): hospital pharmacy 5.0: the future of patient care, 25-27 March 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Evidence for a pharmacist role in the screening of MetS has been shown to be effective in at risk populations. Despite migrants being an at risk group for the development of MetS, no literature has described screening of migrants by pharmacists. The... Read More about Is there a role for the pharmacist in screening for metabolic syndrome?.

Use of normalization process theory to explore key stakeholders’ perceptions of the facilitators and barriers to implementing electronic systems for medicines management in hospital settings. (2020)
Journal Article
HOGAN-MURPHY, D., STEWART, D., TONNA, A., STRATH, A. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2021. Use of normalization process theory to explore key stakeholders’ perceptions of the facilitators and barriers to implementing electronic systems for medicines management in hospital settings. Research in social and administrative pharmacy [online], 17(2), pages 398-405. Available from:

Background: Limited data exist on the facilitators and barriers to implementing electronic systems for medicines management in hospitals. Whilst numerous studies advocate system use in improved patient safety and efficiency within the health service,... Read More about Use of normalization process theory to explore key stakeholders’ perceptions of the facilitators and barriers to implementing electronic systems for medicines management in hospital settings..

Hospital antimicrobial stewardship program implementation in the Gulf Cooperation Council States: a systematic review of evidence of implementation. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HASHAD, N., TONNA., A., PERUMAL, D. and STEWART, D. 2019. Hospital antimicrobial stewardship program implementation in the Gulf Cooperation Council States: a systematic review of evidence of implementation. Presented at 4th Gulf congress of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases (GCCMID 2019), co-located with the 31st International congress of antimicrobial chemotherapy (ICC 2019) (ICC-GCCMID 2019), 6-9 November 2019, Dubai, UAE.

Background and Purpose: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has led to the development of initiatives aimed at optimizing antimicrobial use. Co-ordinated interventions for promoting and monitoring safe and effective use of antimicrobials are termed antimi... Read More about Hospital antimicrobial stewardship program implementation in the Gulf Cooperation Council States: a systematic review of evidence of implementation..

Experiences with the implementation of pharmacist's medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review using the consolidated framework for implementation research. [Protocol] (2019)
MICHEL, D., STEWART, D., WEIDMANN, A. and TONNA, A. and DARTSCH, D. 2019. Experiences with the implementation of pharmacist's medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review using the consolidated framework for implementation research. [Protocol]. PROSPERO [online], item number CRD42019122836. Available from:

The aim of this systematic review is to critically appraise, synthesise and present the available evidence on experiences with the implementation of Medication Reviews (MR) in ambulatory care settings including potential facilitators and barriers, re... Read More about Experiences with the implementation of pharmacist's medication reviews in community pharmacies: a systematic review using the consolidated framework for implementation research. [Protocol].

Home self-administration of intravenous antibiotics as part of an outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy service: a qualitative study of the perspectives of patients who do not self-administer. (2019)
Journal Article
TONNA, A., ANTHONY, G., TONNA, I., PAUDYAL, V., FORBES-MCKAY, K., LAING, R., MACKENZIE, A., FALCONER, S., MCCARTNEY, G. and STEWART, D. 2019. Home self-administration of intravenous antibiotics as part of an outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy service: a qualitative study of the perspectives of patients who do not self-administer. BMJ open [online], 9(1), article ID e027475. Available from:

Objectives: This study aimed to use a theoretical approach to understand the determinants of behaviour in patients not home self-administering intravenous antibiotics. Setting: Outpatient care: included patients were attending an outpatient clinic fo... Read More about Home self-administration of intravenous antibiotics as part of an outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy service: a qualitative study of the perspectives of patients who do not self-administer..