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All Outputs (9)

Frequency, type and severity of drug-related problems and pharmacist interventions in Paxlovid prescribing: a descriptive analysis. (2024)
Journal Article
STOIBER, A., GRAY, G., SAILER, G., HUF, W. and TONNA, A. [2024]. Frequency, type and severity of drug-related problems and pharmacist interventions in Paxlovid prescribing: a descriptive analysis. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], Latest Articles. Available from:

Paxlovid® (nirmatrelvir and ritonavir) is the only licensed oral antiviral for COVID-19. Ritonavir is a potent inhibitor of cytochrome P450 enzymes causing numerous drug-drug interactions (DDIs). The aim of this study was to describe the frequency, t... Read More about Frequency, type and severity of drug-related problems and pharmacist interventions in Paxlovid prescribing: a descriptive analysis..

The specialist antimicrobial pharmacist: scope of practice and training in the UK. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TONNA, A. 2024. The specialist antimicrobial pharmacist: scope of practice and training in the UK. Presented at the 3rd Masterpharm conference, 2nd module (Masterpharm 2024 - ii modulo): modelli integrati a confronto dall'Italia al mondo, 20-22 November 2024, Turin, Italy.

This presentation covers: the role of UK pharmacists; pharmacist education and training (especially in regards to independent prescribing); One Health and antimicrobial stewardship; examples of pharmacist involvement in antimicrobial stewardship; and... Read More about The specialist antimicrobial pharmacist: scope of practice and training in the UK..

To give or not to give an antibiotic: the threat of antimicrobial resistance. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TONNA, A. 2024. To give or not to give an antibiotic: the threat of antimicrobial resistance. Presented at the 20th Plenary meeting of the European Committee on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical Care (CD-P-PH), 1-2 October 2024, Strasbourg, France.

This presentation provides background on the (ab)use of antimicrobials and the problem of antimicrobial resistance. It further predicts the consequences of wide-spread antimicrobial resistance on the world's health systems and economies, and demonstr... Read More about To give or not to give an antibiotic: the threat of antimicrobial resistance..

Anwendungsbeobachtungs-Studie zur praktischen Anwendung von Klinischer Pharmazie bei COVID-19 Therapie. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STOIBER, A., GRAY, G., SAILER, G., HUF, W. and TONNA, A. 2024. Anwendungsbeobachtungs-Studie zur praktischen Anwendung von Klinischer Pharmazie bei COVID-19 Therapie = Observational study on the practical application of clinical pharmacy in COVID-19 treatment. Presented at the 2024 Austrian Society for Hospital Pharmacy spring meeting, 24-25 May 2024, Vienna, Austria.

This presentation covers an observational study looking at Paxlovid as a treatment for COVID-19, undertaken at the Klinik Hietzing in Austria.

A theoretical exploration of the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in the United Arab Emirates. (2024)
HASHAD, N. 2024. A theoretical exploration of the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in the United Arab Emirates. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is considered a global health threat and one of the most pressing public health issues. The World Health Organization (WHO) outlined actions to combat the AMR risk including optimising the use of antimicrobials through... Read More about A theoretical exploration of the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in the United Arab Emirates..

Preparing the future pharmacy workforce: competency-based undergraduate curricula for teaching, learning and assessment with a focus on antimicrobial stewardship. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TONNA, A.P., DAMANT, G., FLEMING, N. and MARTIN, S., on behalf of NAPEG (National Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacy Education Group). 2024. Preparing the future pharmacy workforce: competency-based undergraduate curricula for teaching, learning and assessment with a focus on antimicrobial stewardship. Poster presented at the 2024 NES (NHS education for Scotland) annual virtual conference: developing a compassionate, skilled and sustainable workforce through innovative education and technology, 25-26 April 2024, [virtual event].

Competency-based teaching, learning and assessment underpins the requirements for initial training and education of pharmacists in the UK and is set by the General Pharmaceutical Council. This pedagogic approach is conducive when teaching antimicrobi... Read More about Preparing the future pharmacy workforce: competency-based undergraduate curricula for teaching, learning and assessment with a focus on antimicrobial stewardship..

A description of pharmacists' interventions to optimise the treatment of adults with orally available Covid-drug, Paxlovid. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STOIBER, A., GRAY, G., SAILER, G., HUF, W. and TONNA, A. 2024. A description of pharmacists' interventions to optimise the treatment of adults with orally available Covid-drug, Paxlovid. Poster presented at the 28th European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) annual congress 2024 (EAHP 2024): sustainable healthcare; opportunities and strategies, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, France.

Paxlovid ®, the only orally available COVID drug, consists of two main components: Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir. Ritonavir is known for the potent inhibition of CYP (cytochrome P450) enzymes in the liver mainly of CYP3A4, resulting in a large number of... Read More about A description of pharmacists' interventions to optimise the treatment of adults with orally available Covid-drug, Paxlovid..

Implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacy: reaching consensus on stakeholders' recommendations for mechanisms of change using the nominal group technique. (2024)
Journal Article
MICHEL, D.E., TONNA, A.P., DARTSCH, D.C. and WEIDMANN, A.E. 2024. Implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacy: reaching consensus on stakeholders’ recommendations for mechanisms of change using the nominal group technique. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 46(3), pages 714–726. Available from:

Since 2022, patients with five or more medicines are eligible for a medication review (MR) in a community pharmacy remunerated by the German health system. However, implementation has been slow, with few pharmacies providing MRs. Stakeholders' input... Read More about Implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacy: reaching consensus on stakeholders' recommendations for mechanisms of change using the nominal group technique..

Antimicrobial stewardship: a potential role for pharmacists in all settings. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TONNA, A. 2024. Antimicrobial stewardship: a potential role for pharmacists in all settings. Presented at 2024 European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) CPD webinar, 06 February 2024, [virtual event].

The overall aim of the webinar is to familiarize participants with the potential role of pharmacists to support antimicrobial stewardship in different practice settings. After the webinar, participants should be able to a) to provide an overview of p... Read More about Antimicrobial stewardship: a potential role for pharmacists in all settings..