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Socio-economic costs of bereavement in Scotland: main study report. (2013)
BIRRELL, J., CORDEN, A., MACDUFF, C., NEWSOM, C., PETRIE, D., SCHUT, H., SKÅR, S., STEPHEN, A., TSENG, F.-M., WANG, S. and WILSON, S. 2013. Socio-economic costs of bereavement in Scotland: main study report. [Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University]

The Socio-Economic Costs of Bereavement in Scotland (SECOB) research study was funded by the Scottish Government Health Directorates in late 2010 as part of ongoing work to inform national policy on bereavement and bereavement care practice. The proj... Read More about Socio-economic costs of bereavement in Scotland: main study report..

Bereavement and bereavement care: consultation and mapping of practice (phase 2). (2006)
STEPHEN, A.I., WIMPENNY, P., UNWIN, R., WORK, F., MACDUFF, C., DEMPSTER, P., WILCOCK, S.E. and BROWN, A.M. 20O6. Bereavement and bereavement care: consultation and mapping of practice (phase 2). Final report. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University. Hosted on OpenAIR. Available from:

Looking for information on bereavement care, other than reading material in professional or academic journals can be a daunting task. A search of the internet provides a significant 1,116,403 hits, which range from general information, through bereav... Read More about Bereavement and bereavement care: consultation and mapping of practice (phase 2)..