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Visualisation-centred interventions in the healthcare-associated infections field: an integrative review. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TSATTALIOS, K., MACDUFF, C., STEPHEN, A. and HENDERSON, S. 2017. Visualisation-centred interventions in the healthcare-associated infections field: an integrative review. Presented at the 6th International conference of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC 2017), 20-22 November 2017, Canberra, Australia.

Introduction: Within educational and practice based interventions to help address healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), visualisations are often used as contributory or central components. However, these have not yet been the subject of systematic... Read More about Visualisation-centred interventions in the healthcare-associated infections field: an integrative review..

The impact of spousal bereavement on hospitalisations: evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study. (2017)
Journal Article
TSENG, F.-M., PETRIE, D., WANG, S., MACDUFF, C. and STEPHEN, A.I. 2018. The impact of spousal bereavement on hospitalisations: evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study. Health economics [online], 27(2), pages e120-e138. Available from:

This paper estimates the impact of spousal bereavement on hospital inpatient use for the surviving bereaved by following the experience of 94,272 married Scottish individuals from 1991 until 2009 using a difference-in-difference model. We also consid... Read More about The impact of spousal bereavement on hospitalisations: evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study..