The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. [Poster]
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEPHENS HEMINGWAY, B., BURGESS, K. and SWINTON, P. 2017. The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. Presented at the 2017 UK Strength and Conditioning Association annual conference (UKSCA 2017), 4-6 August 2017, Leicester, UK.
This research aims to assess the effects of measurement error (typical error) and testing frequency on the ability of the FFM to accurately model resistance training data. A simulation approach assuming correct model specification was used to identif... Read More about The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. [Poster].