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Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series. (2018)
Journal Article
KAMONA, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., ADDISON, B., RUSHWORTH, G.F., CALL, A., BLOE, C., INNES, A., BOND, R.R., PEACE, A. and LESLIE, S.J. 2018. Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series. Rural and remote health [online], 18(4), article ID 4618. Available from:

People who experience an ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) due to an occluded coronary artery require prompt treatment. Treatments to open a blocked artery are called reperfusion therapies (RTs), and can include intravenous pharmacological t... Read More about Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series..