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Occurrence and fate of chiral and achiral drugs in estuarine water: a case study of the Clyde estuary, Scotland. [Dataset] (2022)
PETRIE, B. and MOFFAT, C.F. 2022. Occurrence and fate of chiral and achiral drugs in estuarine water: a case study of the Clyde estuary, Scotland. [Dataset]. Environmental science process and impacts [online], 24(4), pages 547-556. Available from:

The Supplementary Information contains details on the methods used in the microcosm study and the corresponding results and discussion. Five tables are also included which detail the instrumental precision and accuracy, method performance data, drug... Read More about Occurrence and fate of chiral and achiral drugs in estuarine water: a case study of the Clyde estuary, Scotland. [Dataset].

Occurrence and fate of chiral and achiral drugs in estuarine water: a case study of the Clyde estuary, Scotland. (2022)
Journal Article
PETRIE, B. and MOFFAT, C.F. 2022. Occurrence and fate of chiral and achiral drugs in estuarine water: a case study of the Clyde estuary, Scotland. Environmental science process and impacts [online], 24(4), pages 547-556. Available from:

There is currently a lack of enantiospecific studies on chiral drugs in estuarine environments. In this study, the occurrence and fate of 20 prescription and illicit drugs, metabolites and associated contaminants were investigated in the Clyde Estuar... Read More about Occurrence and fate of chiral and achiral drugs in estuarine water: a case study of the Clyde estuary, Scotland..

Enhanced desorption of fluoxetine from polyethylene terephthalate microplastics in gastric fluid and sea water. (2022)
Journal Article
WAGSTAFF, A. and PETRIE, B. 2022. Enhanced desorption of fluoxetine from polyethylene terephthalate microplastics in gastric fluid and sea water. Environmental chemistry letters [online], 20(2), pages 975-982. Available from:

There are concerns that microplastics act as a vector of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. Most studies have focussed on pharmaceutical adsorption and have not investigated desorption in the various matrices that microplastics enter. Theref... Read More about Enhanced desorption of fluoxetine from polyethylene terephthalate microplastics in gastric fluid and sea water..