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All Outputs (4)

Exploring independent learning (IL) and its relationship to mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance. (2023)
Journal Article
FORBES-MCKAY, K.E., BREMNER, P.A.M., JOHNSTON, P. and AIR, C. 2025. Exploring independent learning (IL) and its relationship to mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance. Journal of applied research in higher education [online], 17(1), pages 205-218. Available from:

This study addresses gaps in the existing literature on students' understanding of Independent Learning (IL), whilst exploring the link between levels of IL, growth mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance. Three hundred an... Read More about Exploring independent learning (IL) and its relationship to mindset, motivated strategies for learning and academic performance..

Innovative interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches to enhance students' learning experiences and to benefit them in their future development. (2023)
Journal Article
BREMNER, P.A.M. and AIR, C. 2025. Innovative interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches to enhance students' learning experiences and to benefit them in their future development. Journal of applied research in higher education [online], 17(1), pages 150-162. Available from:

This study adds to the existing body of knowledge on the benefits to learners of using an interdisciplinary design thinking (DT) pedagogical approach, taking the form of a micro credential with an extracurricular workshop. This interpretivist researc... Read More about Innovative interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches to enhance students' learning experiences and to benefit them in their future development..

Innovative pedagogical approaches for developing students' mindsets to enhance their learning experience and future employability. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P., AIR, C. and MOULE, C. 2023. Innovative pedagogical approaches for developing students' mindsets to enhance their learning experience and future employability. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK.

The development of students' entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets requires varied methods of teaching in degree programmes to be successful. The Robert Gordon University (RGU) Innovation Award - adapted with permission from the Scottish Institute... Read More about Innovative pedagogical approaches for developing students' mindsets to enhance their learning experience and future employability..

Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop] (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MOULE, C., BREMNER, P. and AIR, C. 2023. Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop]. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK, Workshop 15.

The workshop aims to: 1) Outline the three levels of the RGU Innovation Award, highlighting the pedagogic aspects of design thinking; 2) Engage delegates in a technique that they can use with students to develop an innovative mindset (this technique... Read More about Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop].