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Psychotherapeutic interventions for burns patients and the potential use with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis patients: a systematic integrative review. [Dataset] (2022)
O'REILLY, P., MESKELL, P., WHELAN, B., KENNEDY, C., RAMSAY, B., COFFEY, A., FORTUNE, D.G., WALSH, S., INGEN-HOUSZ-ORO, S., BUNKER, C.B., WILSON, D.M., DELAUNOIS, I., DORE, L., HOWARD, S. and RYAN, S. 2022. Psychotherapeutic interventions for burns patients and the potential use with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis patients: a systematic integrative review. [Dataset] PLoS ONE [online], 17(6), article e0270424. Available from:

The aim of this systematic integrative review was to synthesize the evidence relating to psychotherapeutic interventions used with adult burns patients and patients with SJS/TEN. The systematic review was guided by Whittemore and Knafl's integrative... Read More about Psychotherapeutic interventions for burns patients and the potential use with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis patients: a systematic integrative review. [Dataset].