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Forensic delay analysis as evidence of transaction costs in construction projects.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ATANASOV, V.A., GREENWOOD, D.J., ROSS, H. and SANCHEZ, D.E. 2022. Forensic delay analysis as evidence of transaction costs in construction projects. IOP conference series: earth and environmental science [online], 1101(5): planning, partnership, and law; selected papers from 2022 World building congress (WBC2022): building our future; informing practice to enhance the lives of current and future generations, 27-30 June 2022, Melbourne, Australia, article 052009. Available from:

Construction projects are characterised by supply chains with multiple contracts and significant transaction costs. An example of these costs is to be found in the management of project delays. The operationalisation and measurement of transaction co... Read More about Forensic delay analysis as evidence of transaction costs in construction projects..