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Vivaxin genes encode highly immunogenic, non-variant antigens on the Trypanosoma vivax cell-surface. (2022)
Journal Article
ROMERO-RAMIREZ, A., CASAS-SÁNCHEZ, A., AUTHEMAN, D., DUFFY, C.W., BRANDT, C., CLARE, S., HARCOURT, K., ANDRÉ, M.R., DE ALMEIDA CASTILHO NETO, K.J.G., TEIXEIRA, M.M.G., MACHADO, R.Z., COOMBES, J., FLYNN, R.J., WRIGHT, G.J., JACKSON, A.P. 2022. Vivaxin genes encode highly immunogenic, non-variant antigens on the Trypanosoma vivax cell-surface. PLoS neglected tropical diseases [online], 16(9), article number e0010791. Available from:

Trypanosoma vivax is a unicellular hemoparasite, and a principal cause of animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT), a vector-borne and potentially fatal livestock disease across sub-Saharan Africa. Previously, we identified diverse T. vivax-specific gene... Read More about Vivaxin genes encode highly immunogenic, non-variant antigens on the Trypanosoma vivax cell-surface..

Cleaved CD95L perturbs in vitro macrophages responses to Toxoplasma gondii. (2022)
Journal Article
TIFFNEY, E.A., COOMBES, J.L., LEGEMBRE, P. and FLYNN, R.J. 2022. Cleaved CD95L perturbs in vitro macrophages responses to Toxoplasma gondii. Microbes and infection [online], 24(5), article number 104952. Available from:

Toxoplasma gondii infects approximately 1–2 billion people, and manipulation of the macrophage response is critical to host and parasite survival. A cleaved (cl)-CD95L form can promote cellular migration and we have previously shown that cl-CD95L agg... Read More about Cleaved CD95L perturbs in vitro macrophages responses to Toxoplasma gondii..