Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates.
Journal Article
WILSON, S., LAW, S.P., MCEWAN, N.R., WRIGHT, R. and MACASKILL, J.S. [2022]. Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates. Journal of applied microbiology [online], 133(2), pages 665-672. Available from:
Aims: Agar art bridges the gap between science and art using microbes instead of paint. Afterwards, the art can change in response to microbial fluctuation, meaning preservation of the original art is essential. Here, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde... Read More about Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates..