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All Outputs (19)

Development and implementation of an applied professional development module for final year undergraduate students. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K.E. and MAUGHAN, P. 2024. Development and implementation of an applied professional development module for final year undergraduate students. Presented at the 1st Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice international pedagogic conference (SCoLPP 2024): it's scholarly but it's real: using phenomenon based learning to future-proof effective learning in higher education, 20-21 November 2024, [online event].

This presentation reflects on a new applied professional development module, which aimed to enhance students' professional self-awareness and reflective practice, and to develop specific areas of their professional skills. The module was found to hel... Read More about Development and implementation of an applied professional development module for final year undergraduate students..

The importance of consolidation of learning in undergraduate teaching. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K. 2024. The importance of consolidation of learning in undergraduate teaching. In Proceedings of the 50th Improving university teaching 2024 (IUT 2024): foundations for the future, 31 July - 02 August 2024, Milwaukee, WI, USA: [hybrid event]. Milwaukee: IUT [online], 2024 sessions (Day 2: Europe: Part 2: Europe/Africa/Middle East Focus). Available from:

In the current climate Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are dealing with centralizing and diminishing resources with reduced infrastructure outweighed by increasing student numbers. HEIs are looking to enhance efficiency of resource with automate... Read More about The importance of consolidation of learning in undergraduate teaching..

Embedding academic study skills within a module to support student achievement and sustained engagement with assessment. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K. 2024. Embedding academic study skills within a module to support student achievement and sustained engagement with assessment. Presented at the 2024 Assessment in higher education conference (AHE 2024), 19-20 June 2024, Manchester, UK.

As the diversity and number of the student population entering higher education are increasing worldwide, it is observed that the number of students who possess inadequate study skills is also rising (Groves, Bowd and Smith 2010). Support with study... Read More about Embedding academic study skills within a module to support student achievement and sustained engagement with assessment..

Embedding transitional skills. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K. 2023. Embedding transitional skills. Presented at the 2023 British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences heads of department virtual event (BASES HoD virtual event 2023), 8 November 2023, [virtual event].

This presentation covers the concepts of "student transitions" and "transitional skills". It describes some overarching approaches to transitional skill enhancement, before examining each transitional skill in more detail and providing examples.

Enhancing student experience through alumni engagement: building a lifelong community. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K. 2023. Enhancing student experience through alumni engagement: building a lifelong community. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK.

During academic session 2022/23, a graduate engagement project was undertaken for the BSc(Hons) Applied Sport and Exercise Science course at Robert Gordon University. The aim of the project was to enhance students' knowledge of possible career pathwa... Read More about Enhancing student experience through alumni engagement: building a lifelong community..

Embedding vocational qualifications within a degree course: an example approach. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K. and STEWART, L. 2018. Embedding vocational qualifications within a degree course: an example approach. Presented at the 2018 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) Learning and teaching conference (LTC 2018): future work, future graduates; forging the link, 3 May 2018, Aberdeen, UK.

There is growing impetus to 'add value' to student higher education learning experience through the integration of vocational training to better service employer’s needs. In order to enhance students employability in addition to aligning the undergra... Read More about Embedding vocational qualifications within a degree course: an example approach..

Culture, development mechanisms and characteristics: building the profile of the optimal youth football coach. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CAMPBELL, C., BUCHANAN, N., BURGESS, K., COOPER, K. and MCCANN, B. 2017. Culture, development mechanisms and characteristics: building the profile of the optimal youth football coach. Presented at the 2017 British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of sport and exercise psychology conference (DSEP 2017), 11-12 December 2017, Glasgow, UK.

Social interaction and relationships lie at the heart of the coaching process. Coaches are no longer limited to developing relationships between themselves and the players (coach-athlete relationship) but are instead exposed to connections within a m... Read More about Culture, development mechanisms and characteristics: building the profile of the optimal youth football coach..

The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. [Poster] (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEPHENS HEMINGWAY, B., BURGESS, K. and SWINTON, P. 2017. The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. Presented at the 2017 UK Strength and Conditioning Association annual conference (UKSCA 2017), 4-6 August 2017, Leicester, UK.

This research aims to assess the effects of measurement error (typical error) and testing frequency on the ability of the FFM to accurately model resistance training data. A simulation approach assuming correct model specification was used to identif... Read More about The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. [Poster].

Simulating association between training load and injury using the acute: chronic workload ratio and Bayesian methods in youth football. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MAUGHAN, P., BURGESS, K.E. and SWINTON, P. 2017. Simulating association between training load and injury using the acute: chronic workload ratio and Bayesian methods in youth football. Presented at the 2017 UK Strength and Conditioning Association annual conference (UKSCA 2017), 4-6 August 2017, Leicester, UK.

Previous research has examined the relationship between relative workload and injury, where acute training load is expressed in relation to chronic training load using simple ratio scaling or non-linear models including the exponentially weighted mov... Read More about Simulating association between training load and injury using the acute: chronic workload ratio and Bayesian methods in youth football..

Student engagement and perceived ability in study skills and research methods: a new independent learning module. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K. 2017. Student engagement and perceived ability in study skills and research methods; a new independent learning module. Presented at the 2017 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access learning and teaching conference (DELTA LTC 2017): student transitions: navigating the learning journey, 02 June 2017, Aberdeen, UK.

There is a perceived 'problem' that students beginning their studies in higher education lack the skills required to study effectively and work independently. Some academics believe it is not their job to teach students how to learn and write, while... Read More about Student engagement and perceived ability in study skills and research methods: a new independent learning module..

Student transitions. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K. and WALDRON, L. 2015. Student transitions. Presented at 2015 RGU learning and teaching conference, 5 May 2015, Aberdeen, UK.

This work was aimed to enhance student satisfaction at Stage 3. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Student Experience Questionnaire carried out, identifying areas of high and low satisfaction. Course leaders in high performing areas intervi... Read More about Student transitions..

Can selenium supplementation modify oxidative stress in-vitro? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEIGHTON, D., GOUA, M., DOLAN, E., BURGESS, K. and BERMANO, G. 2015. Can selenium supplementation modify oxidative stress in-vitro? A role for selenium supplementation in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Journal of inflammation [online], 12(Supplement 1): abstracts from the 1st Annual meeting of the Scottish Society of Cytomics (SCC), 25 September 2014, Aberdeen, UK, article P7. Available from:

Two thirds of the UK population are either overweight or obese (body mass index (BMI) 25-29.9 and >30 kg/m2 respectively) and are typically characterised by systemic oxidative stress (OS); deemed to play a key role in cardiovascular disease (CVD) dev... Read More about Can selenium supplementation modify oxidative stress in-vitro?.

The role of selenium supplementation in cardiovascular disease prevention: an in vitro study to identify the molecular mechanism(s). (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEIGHTON, D., GOUA, M., DOLAN, E., BURGESS, K. and BERMANO, G. 2015. The role of selenium supplementation in cardiovascular disease prevention: an in vitro study to identify the molecular mechanism(s). Presented at the 2015 Nutrition Society Scottish section meeting: diet, gene regulation and metabolic disease, 25-26 March 2015, Aberdeen, UK.

Obesity is a worldwide epidemic, with two thirds of the UK population either overweight or obese (body mass index (BMI) 25–29·9 and >30 kg/m2 respectively). Obesity is characterised by systemic oxidative stress (OS), which itself results from chronic... Read More about The role of selenium supplementation in cardiovascular disease prevention: an in vitro study to identify the molecular mechanism(s)..

A comparison of the acute oxidative stress response of three different modified high intensity interval training (m-HIIT) protocols on sedentary overweight/obese young males. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEIGHTON, D., BURGESS, K., DOLAN, E., GOUA, M. and BERMANO, G. 2015. A comparison of the acute oxidative stress response of three different modified high intensity interval training (m-HIIT) protocols on sedentary overweight/obese young males. Poster presented at the 2015 Scottish cardiovascular forum (SCF 2015), 07 February 2015, Edinburgh, UK.

Two thirds of the UK population are overweight/obese (OW/OB) and typically characterised by systemic oxidative stress (OS); resulting from chronically high reactive oxidative species (ROS) formation and a reduced antioxidant status. Oxidative stress,... Read More about A comparison of the acute oxidative stress response of three different modified high intensity interval training (m-HIIT) protocols on sedentary overweight/obese young males..

Impact of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and/or selenium (Se) supplementation on oxidative stress and antioxidant status in active females. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KEANE, K., DOLAN, E., BURGESS, K., HOWATSON, G. and BERMANO, G. 2014. Impact of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and/or selenium (Se) supplementation on oxidative stress and antioxidant status in active females. Presented at the 19th European College of Sport Science (ECSS) annual congress 2014 (ECSS 2014): sport science around the canals, 02-05 July 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Reliability and validity of the running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) in soccer players. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K., HOLT, T., MUNRO, S. and SWINTON, P. 2013. Reliability and validity of the running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) in soccer players. Presented at the 2013 British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) conference (BASES 2013): new directions in sport and exercise sciences, 3-5 September 2013, Preston, UK.

The running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) was developed in order to provide a field test which could be used to determine an individual's anaerobic power. Previous research has evaluated the use of the RAST with members of the armed forces and basketb... Read More about Reliability and validity of the running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) in soccer players..

Effectiveness of skill-based conditioning games in team sport athletes with different fitness levels. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SWINTON, P., BURGESS, K. and CARVER, P. 2012. Effectiveness of skill-based conditioning games in team sport athletes with different fitness levels. Presented at the 2012 International convention on science, education and medicine in sport (ICSEMIS 2012), 19-24 July 2012, Glasgow, UK.

Skill-based conditioning games can provide an effective means of simultaneously improving the skills and physical fitness levels of team sport athletes. Improvements in technical skills as a result of medium-term interventions of skill-based conditio... Read More about Effectiveness of skill-based conditioning games in team sport athletes with different fitness levels..

Do Fit FlopsTM increase muscle activity in the lower extremity whilst walking? (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K.E., BAZAZI, Y., THOMSON, N. and SWINTON, P. 2011. Do Fit FlopsTM increase muscle activity in the lower extremity whilst walking? Journal of sports science [online], 29(supplement 2): abstracts of 2011 BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences) conference, 5-8 September 2011, Colchester, UK, pages s119-s120. Available from:

Fit FlopTM shoes are widely available commercial products which are advertised with the strap line 'get a work out while you walkTM' (Fit FlopTM, from The basis for this product is the inbuilt Microwobbleboard technologyTM... Read More about Do Fit FlopsTM increase muscle activity in the lower extremity whilst walking?.

Influence of exercise intensity on the tendon mechanical properties of older individuals. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K.E., BREEN, L., STEWART, C.E. and ONAMBELE, G.I. 2011. Influence of exercise intensity on the tendon mechanical properties of older individuals. Journal of sports science [online], 29(supplement 2): abstracts of 2011 BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences) conference, 5-8 September 2011, Colchester, UK, pages s98-s99. Available from:

Approximately one-third of people aged over 65 fall at least once a year and about half of these do so recurrently. The ability to maintain balance or stability has previously been associated with lower limb tendon structural and mechanical propertie... Read More about Influence of exercise intensity on the tendon mechanical properties of older individuals..