We: a robotic system to extend social impact of community gardens.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JOSHI, S., RANDALL, N., CHIPLUNKAR, S., WATTIMENA, T. and STAVRIANAKIS, K. 2018. We: a robotic system to extend social impact of community gardens. In HRI '18: companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE (Association of Computing Machinery and Institute of Electrical Engineers) Human-robot interaction international conference (HRI '18), 5-8 March 2018, Chicago, USA. New York: ACM [online], pages 349-350. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1145/3173386.3177817
The social, educational, economic and health benefits from community gardens often stay limited to the gardeners. 'We' is a community-oriented robotic system designed to extend such benefits to the public and community. It consists of 1. 'We-Sense,'... Read More about We: a robotic system to extend social impact of community gardens..