I, Kusama, am the modern Alice in Wonderland: Alice e Kusama, di riflesso per infiniti specchi.
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. 2018. I, Kusama, am the modern Alice in Wonderland: Alice e Kusama, di riflesso per infiniti specchi. Engramma [online], 161, article ID 3524. Avilable from: http://www.engramma.it/eOS/index.php?id_articolo=3524
"How about taking a trip with me out to Central Park [...] under the magic mushroom of the Alice in Wonderland statue. Alice was the grandmother of the Hippies. When she was low, Alice was the first to take pills to make her high. I, Kusama, am the m... Read More about I, Kusama, am the modern Alice in Wonderland: Alice e Kusama, di riflesso per infiniti specchi..