Food and drink purchasing habits out of school at lunchtime: a national survey of secondary school pupils in Scotland.
Journal Article
MACDIARMID, J.I., WILLS, W.J., MASSON, L.F., CRAIG, L.C.A., BROMLEY, C. and MCNEILL, G. 2015. Food and drink purchasing habits out of school at lunchtime: a national survey of secondary school pupils in Scotland. International of behavioural nutrition and physical activity [online], 12, article ID 98. Available from:
Background: Food and drink purchasing habits of pupils out of school at lunchtime may be contributing to poor dietary intakes and overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to identify the places from which purchases were made, types of food a... Read More about Food and drink purchasing habits out of school at lunchtime: a national survey of secondary school pupils in Scotland..