Recommendations for the extraction, analysis, and presentation of results in scoping reviews.
Journal Article
POLLOCK, D., PETERS, M.D.J., KHALIL, H., MCINERNEY, P., ALEXANDER, L., TRICCO, A.C., EVANS, C., BRANDÃO DE MORAES, É., GODFREY, C.M., PIEPER, D., SARAN, A., STERN, C. and MUNN, Z. 2023. Recommendations for the extraction, analysis, and presentation of results in scoping reviews. JBI evidence synthesis [online], 21(3), pages 520-532. Available from:
Scoping reviewers often face challenges in the extraction, analysis, and presentation of scoping review results. Using best-practice examples and drawing on the expertise of the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group and an editor of a journal that pub... Read More about Recommendations for the extraction, analysis, and presentation of results in scoping reviews..