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A combustion model sensitivity study for CH4/H2 bluff-body stabilized flame. (2007)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M. and MALALASEKERA, W. 2007. A combustion model sensitivity study for CH4/H2 bluff-body stabilized flame. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part C: journal of mechanical engineering science [online], 221(11), pages 1377-1390. Available from:

The objective of the current work is to assess the performance of different combustion models in predicting turbulent non-premixed combustion in conjunction with the k-ε turbulence model. The laminar flamelet, equilibrium chemistry, constrained equil... Read More about A combustion model sensitivity study for CH4/H2 bluff-body stabilized flame..

Computational analysis of fibre bonding in the through-air process. (2007)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M., ACAR, M. and MALALASEKERA, W. 2007. Computational analysis of fibre bonding in the through-air process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part E: journal of process mechanical engineering [online], 221(2), pages 69-75. Available from:

Through-air bonding is one of the thermal methods of bonding fibres in the production of non-woven webs. A computational study of the formation of bond point between two bicomponent fibres during the through-air bonding process is reported in this pa... Read More about Computational analysis of fibre bonding in the through-air process..