Thermomechanical deformation analysis of a tubular solid oxide steam electrolysis cell.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KURUSHINA, V., RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., HOSSAIN, M., FAISAL, N., SOMAN, A., HORRI, B.A. and CAI, Q. 2023. Thermomechanical deformation analysis of a tubular solid oxide steam electrolysis cell. In Proceedings of the 34th Thermal and fluid analysis workshop 2023 (TFAWS 2023), 21-25 August 2023, Maryland, USA. Washington: NASA [online], article number TFAWS23-ID-7. Available from:
Technologies behind electrolysis cells for hydrogen production are making progress in terms of portability, cost reduction, performance enhancement, prolonged operation, and integration in stacks and with existing power infrastructure. The solid oxid... Read More about Thermomechanical deformation analysis of a tubular solid oxide steam electrolysis cell..