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Architecture, festival and the city: introduction. (2018)
Journal Article
MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.J., FROST, C. and XIAO, J. 2018. Architecture, festival and the city: introduction. Architecture and culture [online], 6(3): architecture, festival and the city, pages 361-370. Available from:

The theme of this issue of Architecture and Culture is "Architecture, Festival and the City". Our aim has been to posit and to explore the relationship between festivals and their settings in order to ask what constitutes festival in the contemporary... Read More about Architecture, festival and the city: introduction..

La desvisión del otro en la construcción de la utopía posturbana. Cuerpos sensibles/sensitive bodies ii. (2018)
Journal Article
RUIZ SÁNCHEZ, J. and MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.J. 2018. La desvisión del otro en la construcción de la utopía posturbana. Cuerpos sensibles/sensitive bodies ii. i2 Investigación e innovación en arquitectura y territorio [online], 6(1). Available from:

Modern architecture has resulted an utopia not only possible but, in practice, effective. Post-urban utopia has actually been built along the twentieth century throughout a complex network of operations, including both behavioral orientation and syst... Read More about La desvisión del otro en la construcción de la utopía posturbana. Cuerpos sensibles/sensitive bodies ii..