Development of plasma-sprayed molybdenum carbide-based anode layers with various metal oxides for SOFC.
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., AHMED, R., KATIKANENI, S.P., SOUENTIE, S. and GOOSEN, M.F.A. 2015. Development of plasma-sprayed molybdenum carbide-based anode layers with various metal oxides for SOFC. Journal of thermal spray technology [online], 24(8), pages 1415-1428. Available from:
Air plasma-sprayed (APS) coatings provide an ability to deposit a range of novel fuel cell materials at competitive costs. This work develops three separate types of composite anodes (Mo-Mo2C/Al2O3, Mo-Mo2C/ZrO2, Mo-Mo2C/TiO2) using a combination of... Read More about Development of plasma-sprayed molybdenum carbide-based anode layers with various metal oxides for SOFC..