A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MICHELI, L., FERNÁNDEZ, E.F., SMESTAD, G.P., ALRASHIDI, H., SARMAH, N., SELLAMI, N., HASSAN, I.A.I., KASRY, A., NOFUENTES, G., SOOD, N., PESALA, B., SENTHILARASU, S., ALMONACID, F., REDDY, K.S., MULLER, M. and MALLICK, T.K. 2018. A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results. In the Proceedings of the 44th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) photovoltaic specialist conference 2017 (2017 IEEE PVSC-44), 25-30 June 2017, Washinghton, USA. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE [online], article ID 8366317. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1109/PVSC.2017.8366317
The present work reports on the initial results of an international collaboration aiming to investigate the spectral effects of soiling losses. Identical glass coupons have been exposed outdoors for eight weeks in different locations worldwide, and w... Read More about A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results..