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All Outputs (30)

A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MICHELI, L., FERNÁNDEZ, E.F., SMESTAD, G.P., ALRASHIDI, H., SARMAH, N., SELLAMI, N., HASSAN, I.A.I., KASRY, A., NOFUENTES, G., SOOD, N., PESALA, B., SENTHILARASU, S., ALMONACID, F., REDDY, K.S., MULLER, M. and MALLICK, T.K. 2018. A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results. In the Proceedings of the 44th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) photovoltaic specialist conference 2017 (2017 IEEE PVSC-44), 25-30 June 2017, Washinghton, USA. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE [online], article ID 8366317. Available from:

The present work reports on the initial results of an international collaboration aiming to investigate the spectral effects of soiling losses. Identical glass coupons have been exposed outdoors for eight weeks in different locations worldwide, and w... Read More about A unified global investigation on the spectral effects of soiling losses of PV glass substrates: preliminary results..

Design and fabrication of absorptive/reflective crossed CPC PV/T system. (2018)
Journal Article
AYKAPADATHU, M., NAZARINIA, M. and SELLAMI, N. 2018. Design and fabrication of absorptive/reflective crossed CPC PV/T system. Designs [online], 2(3), article number 29. Available from:

A crossed compound parabolic concentrator (CCPC) is a non-imaging concentrator which is a modified form of a circular 3D compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) obtained by orthogonal intersection of two 2D CPCs that have an optical efficiency in line... Read More about Design and fabrication of absorptive/reflective crossed CPC PV/T system..

Energy revolution for our common future: an evaluation of the emerging international renewable energy law. (2018)
Journal Article
KARIM, M.E., MUNIR, A.B., KARIM, M.A., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., ABU-BAKAR, S.H., SELLAMI, N., BANI, N.A. and HASSAN, M.Z. 2018. Energy revolution for our common future: an evaluation of the emerging international renewable energy law. Energies [online], 11(7), article number 1769. Available from:

Climate change poses profound threats to the Earth and its people. Its mitigation, therefore, demands common but differentiated actions with comprehensive and coordinated approach. The global community has pledged to mitigate various greenhouse gases... Read More about Energy revolution for our common future: an evaluation of the emerging international renewable energy law..

Design of solar powered charging backpack. (2018)
Journal Article
TAVERNE, J., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., AYUB, A.S., SELLAMI, N., ABU-BAKAR, S.H., BANI, N.A., MAS'UD, A.A. and IYI, D. 2018. Design of solar powered charging backpack. International journal of power electronics and drive systems [online], 9(2), pages 848-858. Available from:

This paper demonstrated a step by step process in designing a solar powered charging backpack that is capable of charging a mobile phone efficiently. A selection of existing products available on the market were reviewed and compared to ascertain the... Read More about Design of solar powered charging backpack..

Solar powered charging backpack. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TAVERNE, J., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., AYUB, A.S., SELLAMI, N., ABU-BAKAR, S.H., BANI, N.A. and MAS'UD, A.A. 2017. Solar powered charging backpack. Presented at the 2017 International conference on electrical, electronic, communication and control engineering (ICEECC2017), 5-6 December 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

This paper demonstrated a step by step process in designing a solar powered charging backpack that is capable of charging a mobile phone efficiently. A selection of existing products available on the market were reviewed and compared to ascertain the... Read More about Solar powered charging backpack..

Natural convective heat transfer in a walled CCPC with PV cell. (2017)
Journal Article
LI, W., PAUL, M.C., SELLAMI, N., MALLICK, T.K. and KNOX, A.R. 2017. Natural convective heat transfer in a walled CCPC with PV cell. Case studies in thermal engineering [online], 10, pages 499-516. Available from:

The free convective heat transfer phenomenon in an isolated, walled CCPC with PV cell is studied experimentally at 1000 W/m2 irradiance and 28.5 {deg}C ambient temperature as well as 0{deg}, 10{deg}, 20{deg}, 30{deg} and 40{deg} incidences in indoor... Read More about Natural convective heat transfer in a walled CCPC with PV cell..

Development of a control system for a domestic grid-connected wind turbine. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ADAMSON, M.A., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., AZIZ, N.F.A., ABU-BAKAR, S.H., SELLAMI, N., IYI, D., RAMIREZ-INIGUEZ, R., BANI, N.A., MAS'UD, A.A., MUNIR, A.B. and MOHD YASIN, S.H. 2017. Development of a control system for a domestic grid-connected wind turbine. Presented at the 2017 PACE international conference on science and technology (PICOST 2017), 25-27 July 2017, Penang, Malaysia.

In the United Kingdom (UK), homeowners who install grid connected renewable energy sources receive a threefold benefit. They can use the electricity generated by the source, they enjoy reduced household bills and they can also receive Feed-in Tariff... Read More about Development of a control system for a domestic grid-connected wind turbine..

A novel absorptive/reflective solar concentrator for heat and electricity generation: an optical and thermal analysis. (2016)
Journal Article
MENG, X.-L., SELLAMI, N., KNOX, A.R., MONTECUCCO, A., SIVITER, J., MULLEN, P., ASHRAF, A., SAMARELLI, A., LLIN, L.F., PAUL, D.J., LI, W.-G., PAUL, M.C., GREGORY, D.H., HAN, G., GAO, M., SWEET, T., FREER, R., AZOUGH, F., LOWNDES, R., XIA, X.-L. and MALLICK, T.K. 2016. A novel absorptive/reflective solar concentrator for heat and electricity generation: an optical and thermal analysis. Energy conversion and management [online], 114, pages 142-153. Available from:

The crossed compound parabolic concentrator (CCPC) is one of the most efficient non-imaging solar concentrators used as a stationary solar concentrator or as a second stage solar concentrator. In this study, the CCPC is modified to demonstrate for th... Read More about A novel absorptive/reflective solar concentrator for heat and electricity generation: an optical and thermal analysis..

Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: part 2; modelling. (2014)
Journal Article
DEWAR, M., SELLAMI, N. and CHEN, B. 2015. Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: part 2; modelling. International journal of greenhouse gas control [online], 38, pages 52-63. Available from:

An oceanic two-phase plume model is developed to include bubble size distribution and bubble interactions, applied to the prediction of CO2 bubble plume and CO2 solution dynamics observed from the recent QICS field experiment in the Scottish sea at A... Read More about Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: part 2; modelling..

Optical concentrator and associated photovoltaic devices. (2013)
MALLICK, T.K. and SELLAMI, N. 2013. Optical concentrator and associated photovoltaic devices. International patent application PCT/GB2012/053221. International publication number WO 2013/093487A2, published 27.06.2013. Available from:

Disclosed is a transmissive optical concentrator, comprising an elliptical collector aperture and a non-elliptical exit aperture, the concentrator being operable to concentrate radiation incident on said collector aperture. The body of said concentra... Read More about Optical concentrator and associated photovoltaic devices..