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Nasopharyngeal metagenomic deep sequencing data, Lancaster, UK, 2014-2015. (2017)
Journal Article
ATKINSON, K.V., BISHOP, L.A., RHODES, G., SALEZ, N., MCEWAN, N.R., HEGARTY, M.J., ROBEY, J., HARDING, N., WETHERELL, S., LAUDER, R.M., PICKUP, R.W., WILKINSON, M. and GATHERER, D. 2017. Nasopharyngeal metagenomic deep sequencing data, Lancaster, UK, 2014-2015. Scientific data [online], 4, article No. 170161. Available from:

Nasopharyngeal swabs were taken from volunteers attending a general medical practice and a general hospital in Lancaster, UK, and at Lancaster University, in the winter of 2014-2015. 51 swabs were selected based on high RNA yield and allocated to dee... Read More about Nasopharyngeal metagenomic deep sequencing data, Lancaster, UK, 2014-2015..

Seasonal variations of the digestive tract of the Eurasian beaver castor fiber. (2017)
Journal Article
BELZECKI, G., MILTKO, R., KOWALIK, B., DEMIASZKIEWICZ, A.W., LACHOWICZ, J., GIZEJEWSKI, Z., OBIDZINSKI, A., and MCEWAN, N.R. 2018. Seasonal variations of the digestive tract of the Eurasian beaver castor fiber. Mammal research [online], 63(1), pages 21-31. Available from:

Forage availability for wild rodents varies with season. In turn, the composition of food can affect morphometric parameters of the digestive tract. This study was performed in Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) whose population was close to extinction... Read More about Seasonal variations of the digestive tract of the Eurasian beaver castor fiber..

Evaluation of the microbiome of decaying alder nodules by next generation sequencing. (2017)
Journal Article
MCEWAN, N.R., WILKINSON T., GIRDWOOD, S.E., SNELLING, T.J., COLLINS, T., DOUGAL, K., JONES, D.L. and GODBOLD, D.L. 2017. Evaluation of the microbiome of decaying alder nodules by next generation sequencing. Endocytobiosis and cell research [online], 28(1), pages 14-19. Available from:

This work investigated the microbial content of decaying nodules from alders. The 16S rDNA composition of the microbiome of six senescent alder nodules was investigated by 454 sequencing. All nodules still had some Frankia sequences present, but in e... Read More about Evaluation of the microbiome of decaying alder nodules by next generation sequencing..

Genome sequence of human papillomavirus 23 strain HPV-23/Lancaster/2015. (2017)
Journal Article
ATKINSON, K.V., BISHOP, L.A., RHODES, G., SALEZ, N., MCEWAN, N.R., HEGARTY, M.J., ROBEY, J., HARDING, N., WETHERELL, S., LAUDER, R.M., PICKUP, R.W., WILKINSON, M. and GATHERER, D. 2017. Genome sequence of human papillomavirus 23 strain HPV-23/Lancaster/2015. Genome announcements [online], 5(20), 00257-17. Available from:

The genome of human papillomavirus type 23 (HPV-23; family Papillomaviridae, genus Betapapillomavirus, species Betapapillomavirus 2, type 23) was assembled by deep sequencing from nasopharyngeal swabs. The assembled genome is 2.7% divergent over its... Read More about Genome sequence of human papillomavirus 23 strain HPV-23/Lancaster/2015..

Influenza C in Lancaster, UK, in the winter of 2014-2015. (2017)
Journal Article
ATKINSON, K.V., BISHOP, L.A., RHODES, G., SALEZ, N., MCEWAN, N.R., HEGARTY, M.J., ROBEY, J., HARDING, N., WETHERELL, S., LAUDER, R.M., PICKUP, R.W., WILKINSON, M. and GATHERER, D. 2017. Influenza C in Lancaster, UK, in the winter of 2014-2015. Scientific reports [online], 7, article number 46578. Available from:

Influenza C is not included in the annual seasonal influenza vaccine, and has historically been regarded as a minor respiratory pathogen. However, recent work has highlighted its potential role as a cause of pneumonia in infants. We performed nasopha... Read More about Influenza C in Lancaster, UK, in the winter of 2014-2015..

Factors affecting the development of laryngeal chondritis in sheep. (2017)
Journal Article
EDMUNDS, J.L., RODEN, J.A., FINCH., J.M. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2017. Factors affecting the development of laryngeal chondritis in sheep. Large animal review [online], 23(6), pages 219-222. Available from:

Historic data (from 2005 to 2011) were collected and analysed from four flocks of pedigree Texel sheep in Ceredigion, West Wales and were used to investigate a range of factors associated with death due to laryngeal chondritis (n=82) relative to all... Read More about Factors affecting the development of laryngeal chondritis in sheep..

Genome sequence of human rhinovirus A22, strain Lancaster/2015. (2017)
Journal Article
ATKINSON, K.V., BISHOP, L.A., RHODES, G., SALEZ, N., MCEWAN, N.R., HEGARTY, M.J., ROBEY, J., HARDING, N., WETHERELL, S., LAUDER, R.M., PICKUP, R.W., WILKINSON, M. and GATHERER, D. 2017. Genome sequence of human rhinovirus A22, strain Lancaster/2015. Genome announcements [online], 5(12), article number 01713-16. Available from:

The genome of human rhinovirus A22 (HRV-A22) was assembled by deep sequencing RNA samples from nasopharyngeal swabs. The assembled genome is 8.7% divergent from the HRV-A22 reference strain over its full length, and it is only the second full-length... Read More about Genome sequence of human rhinovirus A22, strain Lancaster/2015..

Interbreed variation in craniometrical parameters in sheep. (2017)
Journal Article
OWEN, M.H., DAVIES, R., BEARD, C.E., OLVERA RAMIREZ, A.M. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2017. Interbreed variation in craniometrical parameters in sheep. Large animal review [online], 23(5), pages 177-182.

This work is the first investigation to compare craniometrical parameters between different breeds of sheep. Nine breeds or cross-breeds of sheep were studied, with all measurements being carried out on live animals at times of routine animal husband... Read More about Interbreed variation in craniometrical parameters in sheep..

Comparison of the microbial population in rabbits and guinea pigs by next generation sequencing. (2017)
Journal Article
CROWLEY, E.J., KING, J.M., WILKINSON, T., WORGAN, H.J., HUSON, K.M., ROSE, M.T. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2017. Comparison of the microbial population in rabbits and guinea pigs by next generation sequencing. PLOS one [online], 12(2), e0165779. Available from:

This study aimed to determine the microbial composition of faeces from two groups of caecotrophagic animals; rabbits and guinea pigs. In addition the study aimed to determine the community present in the different organs in the rabbit. DNA was extrac... Read More about Comparison of the microbial population in rabbits and guinea pigs by next generation sequencing..