Student interaction with a virtual learning environment: an empirical study of online engagement behaviours during and since the time of COVID-19.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JOHNSTON, P., ZARB, M. and MORENO-GARCIA, C.F. 2023. Student interaction with a virtual learning environment: an empirical study of online engagement behaviours during and since the time of COVID-19. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2023),18-21 October 2023, College Station, TX, USA. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article number 10343048. Available from:
This paper presents an experience report of online attendance and associated behavioural patterns during a module in the first complete semester undertaken fully online in the autumn of 2020, and the corresponding module deliveries in 2021 and 2022.... Read More about Student interaction with a virtual learning environment: an empirical study of online engagement behaviours during and since the time of COVID-19..