In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of a novel nano-sized formulation based on self-assembling polymers against pancreatic cancer.
Journal Article
HOSKINS, C., OUAISSI, M., LIMA, S.C., CHENG, W.P., LOUREIRIO, I., MAS, E., LOMBARDO, D., CORDEIRO-DA-SILVA, A., OUAISSI, A. and KONG THOO LIN, P. 2010. In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of a novel nano-sized formulation based on self-assembling polymers against pancreatic cancer. Pharmaceutical research [online], 27(12), pages 2694-2703. Available from:
Purpose: To evaluate the in vitro and in vivo pancreatic anticancer activity of a nano-sized formulation based on novel polyallylamine grafted with 5% mole cholesteryl pendant groups (CH5-PAA). Methods: Insoluble novel anticancer drug, Bisnaphthalimi... Read More about In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of a novel nano-sized formulation based on self-assembling polymers against pancreatic cancer..