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All Outputs (4)

The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. and LAING, A. 2019. The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? Journal of learning development in higher education [online], 16: special issue of articles from the 2019 Association for Learning Development in Higher Education conference (ALDINHE 2019), 15-17 April 2019, Exeter, UK, article 535. Available from:

Upskilling moves quickly in today’s ‘disrupted’ workplace, and skill sets need to change to meet the needs of the digital economy (Gray, 2016), sometimes referred to as the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Using a mixed methods approach and drawin... Read More about The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities?.

Widening academic and student participation and engagement in Scotland's HE innovation and enterprise agenda. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DAVIDSON, A., BREMNER, P. and PERKINS, J. 2019. Widening academic and student participation and engagement in Scotland's HE innovation and enterprise agenda. Presented at Focus on: graduate skills 2018-19; sharing practice event, 5th June 2019, Glasgow, UK. Glasgow: QAA [online]. Available from:

This presentation examines the Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA) which are run by the Scottish Institute for Enterprise in collaboration with 3 of Scotland’s Innovation Centres, the Digital Health and Care Institute, the Data Lab and Censis.... Read More about Widening academic and student participation and engagement in Scotland's HE innovation and enterprise agenda..

Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M., LAING, A. and SCOTT, H. 2019. Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions. Presented at the 2019 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) learning and teaching conference (LTC 2019): learning without borders, 2 May 2019, Aberdeen, UK.

This presentation outlined the Professional Skills Enhancement programme, and how it seeks to aid the student in becoming 'work ready'. The authors highlights it's move and development into other degree programmes within the School of Creative and C... Read More about Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions..

Developing students' innovation and enterprise skills through external collaboration. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P. A. M., CRAWFORD, I. and GODSMAN, F. 2019. Developing students’ innovation and enterprise skills through external collaboration. Presented at the 2019 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) Learning and teaching conference (LTC 2019): learning without borders, 2 May 2019, Aberdeen, UK.

This presentation aimed to outline the Scottish Innovative Student Awards (SISA) process from the Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE), to provide an progress update on SISA and to demonstrate the student enhancement.