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All Outputs (30)

Explaining the entrepreneurial intentions of employees: the roles of societal norms, work-related creativity and personal resources. (2021)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y. and DE CLERCQ, D. 2021. Explaining the entrepreneurial intentions of employees: the roles of societal norms, work-related creativity and personal resources. International small business journal [online], 39(8), pages 732-754. Available from:

This article addresses the important question of why those in paid employment might be hesitant to start their own businesses. In particular, we predict how diminished work-related creativity of employees might mediate the relationship between their... Read More about Explaining the entrepreneurial intentions of employees: the roles of societal norms, work-related creativity and personal resources..

Factors influencing patient loyalty to outpatient medical services: an empirical analysis of the UAE's government healthcare system. (2021)
Journal Article
DAYAN, M., AL KUWAITI, I.A., HUSAIN, Z., NG, P.Y. and DAYAN, A. 2022. Factors influencing patient loyalty to outpatient medical services: an empirical analysis of the UAE's government healthcare system. International journal of quality and reliability [online], 39(1), pages 176-203. Available from:

The aim of this research is to uncover issues that inhibit patients' satisfaction and loyalty and identify factors that could enhance customer retention by government hospitals in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The mediating impact of outpatient sat... Read More about Factors influencing patient loyalty to outpatient medical services: an empirical analysis of the UAE's government healthcare system..

Hegemonic conceptualizations of empowerment in entrepreneurship and their suitability for collective contexts. (2021)
Journal Article
WOOD, B.P., NG, P.Y. and BASTIAN, B.L. 2021. Hegemonic conceptualizations of empowerment in entrepreneurship and their suitability for collective contexts. Administrative sciences [online], 11(1), article 28. Available from:

The relationship between empowerment and entrepreneurship in collective societies is, in our view, insufficiently examined. Accepted definitions of empowerment and the assumptions underlying programs and research designs based on them result in outco... Read More about Hegemonic conceptualizations of empowerment in entrepreneurship and their suitability for collective contexts..

Integrative model of behavioural intention: the influence of environmental concern and condition factors on food waste separation. (2020)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y., HO., P.-L. and SIA, J.K.-M. 2021. Integrative model of behavioural intention: the influence of environmental concern and condition factors on food waste separation. Management of environmental quality [online], 32(2), pages 631-645. Available from:

This paper positions environmental concern as the antecedent of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. It also sets to expand the theory of planned behaviour by including two condition factors: favourable situation and facility... Read More about Integrative model of behavioural intention: the influence of environmental concern and condition factors on food waste separation..

Public transportation in Hanoi: applying an integrative model of behavioral intention. (2020)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y. and PHUNG, P.T. 2021. Public transportation in Hanoi: applying an integrative model of behavioral intention. Case studies on transport policy [online], 9(2), pages 395-404. Available from:

Hanoi is a populous capital with consistently growing transportation demands. This study applies an integrative model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), service satisfaction, and environmental concern, in order to examine behavioral inten... Read More about Public transportation in Hanoi: applying an integrative model of behavioral intention..

Performance in family firm: influences of socioemotional wealth and managerial capabilities. (2019)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y., DAYAN, M. and DI BENEDETTO, A. 2019. Performance in family firm: influences of socioemotional wealth and managerial capabilities. Journal of business research [online], 102, pages 178-190. Available from:

Despite an extensive literature on the role of managerial capabilities in enhancing firm performance, relationships between socioemotional wealth, managerial capabilities, and performance in a family business context have not been investigated. This... Read More about Performance in family firm: influences of socioemotional wealth and managerial capabilities..

Mindfulness, socioemotional wealth, and environmental strategy of family businesses. (2019)
Journal Article
DAYAN, M., NG, P.Y. and NDUBISI, N.O. 2019. Mindfulness, socioemotional wealth, and environmental strategy of family businesses. Business strategy and the environment [online], 28(3), pages 466-481. Available from:

The study advances knowledge in the field of business strategy and the environment by incorporating mindfulness theory into the research on socioemotional wealth (SEW) and its environmental consequences in family businesses. Using an integrative mode... Read More about Mindfulness, socioemotional wealth, and environmental strategy of family businesses..

Experiences of high-growth technology firms in Malaysia and New Zealand. (2016)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y. and HAMILTON, R.T. 2016. Experiences of high-growth technology firms in Malaysia and New Zealand. Technology analysis and strategic management [online], 28(8), pages 901-915. Available from:

How do technology firms experience high growth and the support available from governments? This qualitative study explores the experiences of high-growth technology-based firms in Malaysia and New Zealand. Case studies were developed for eight high-g... Read More about Experiences of high-growth technology firms in Malaysia and New Zealand..

Capabilities, strategy, and performance: the case of ICT firms in New Zealand. (2015)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y. and HAMILTON, R.T. 2015. Capabilities, strategy, and performance: the case of ICT firms in New Zealand. Journal of Asia-Pacific business [online], 16(4), pages 302-327. Available from:

Smaller technology-based firms are critical for many economies. This study investigates the determinants of performance in a sample of 110 firms from the information and communication technology industry in New Zealand. It is a single industry study,... Read More about Capabilities, strategy, and performance: the case of ICT firms in New Zealand..

Perception of young consumers on mobile phone applications in Malaysia. (2011)
Journal Article
GOI, C.-L. and NG, P.-Y. 2011. Perception of young consumers on mobile phone applications in Malaysia. World applied sciences journal [online], 15(1), pages 47-55. Available from:

The main objective of this research is to explore the perception of young consumers on mobile applications in Malaysia. The perception of consumers on M-Commerce applications seems to be positive, especially communication, emergency, entertainment, c... Read More about Perception of young consumers on mobile phone applications in Malaysia..