The ability of UK offshore workers of different body size and shape to egress through a restricted window space.
Journal Article
STEWART, A., LEDINGHAM, R., FURNACE, G., SCHRANZ, N. and NEVILL, A. 2016. The ability of UK offshore workers of different body size and shape to egress through a restricted window space. Applied ergonomics [online], 55, pages 226-233. Available from:
404 male offshore workers aged 41.4 (± 10.7 years) underwent 3D body scanning and an egress task simulating the smallest helicopter window emergency exit size. The 198 who failed were older (P < 0.01), taller (P < 0.05) and heavier (P < 0.0001) than... Read More about The ability of UK offshore workers of different body size and shape to egress through a restricted window space..