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Emergency management decision-making in a changing world: 3 key challenges (2024)
Journal Article
BUTLER, P.C., FLIN, R., BEARMAN, C., HAYES, P., PENNEY, G. and MCLENNAN, J. 2024. Emergency management decision-making in a changing world: 3 key challenges. Australian journal of emergency management [online], 39(4), pages 23-32. Available from:

Managing emergencies is taxing for individuals due to the stress of making decisions in dangerous, high-stakes and time-constrained environments. These complex, dynamic environments also make it difficult to coordinate as other responders perform dif... Read More about Emergency management decision-making in a changing world: 3 key challenges.

The challenges of decision-making in emergency management, the cognitive aids people use and the decision-making training they receive. (2024)
Journal Article
BEARMAN, C., HAYES, P., MCLENNAN, J., PENNEY, G., BUTLER, P.C. and FLIN, R. 2024. The challenges of decision-making in emergency management, the cognitive aids people use and the decision-making training they receive. Australian journal of emergency management [online], 39(4), pages 10-12. Available from:

Emergency management is a complex socio-technical system in which people operate in hierarchies of teams (Bearman et al. 2023). At the heart of this system are people making decisions to achieve the best outcomes possible for the community. In this c... Read More about The challenges of decision-making in emergency management, the cognitive aids people use and the decision-making training they receive..

A review of cognitive aids and their application to emergency management in Australia (2024)
Journal Article
PENNEY, G., BEARMAN, C., HAYES, P., MCLENNAN, J., BUTLER, P.C. and FLIN, R. 2024. A review of cognitive aids and their application to emergency management in Australia. Australian journal of emergency management [online], 39(4), pages 13-22. Available from:

Decision-making in disasters and major crises faced by emergency services globally is a difficult combination of science and art to master. To assist decision-makers in these environments, a number of cognitive aids have been developed and subsequent... Read More about A review of cognitive aids and their application to emergency management in Australia.

Training to improve emergency management decision-making: what the research literature tells us. (2024)
Journal Article
MCLENNAN, J., HAYES, P., BEARMAN, C., PENNEY, G., BUTLER, P.C. and FLIN, R. 2024. Training to improve emergency management decision-making: what the research literature tells us. Australian journal of emergency management [online], 39(4), pages 33-45. Available from:

The importance of training for effective performance in high-stakes, high-risk work settings is well-known. Successful training is the systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts or attitudes that result in improved work performance. Simply exp... Read More about Training to improve emergency management decision-making: what the research literature tells us..

A systematic review on conditions before and after training of teamwork competencies and the effect on transfer of skills to the clinical workplace. (2024)
Journal Article
WITTIG, J., KROGH, K., BLANCHARD, E.E., XING, K., KUSHNER, J., BICHMANN, A., FLIN, R., BRAZIL, V., GOLDHABER-FIEBERT, S.N., PAIGE, J. and LAURIDSEN, K.G. [2024]. A systematic review on conditions before and after training of teamwork competencies and the effect on transfer of skills to the clinical workplace. Simulation in healthcare [online], Ahead-of-Print. Available from:

The researchers conducted a systematic review to assess if any condition before- or after simulation-based training of teamwork competencies for healthcare professionals affects learning or transfer of skills to the clinical environment. The followin... Read More about A systematic review on conditions before and after training of teamwork competencies and the effect on transfer of skills to the clinical workplace..