Optimizing the rheological properties of silica nano-modified bentonite mud using overlaid contour plot and estimation of maximum or upper shear stress limit.
Journal Article
AFOLABI, R.O., ORODU, O.D., EFEOVBOKHAN, V.E., ROTIMI, O.J. and ZHANG, Z. 2017. Optimizing the rheological properties of silica nano-modified bentonite mud using overlaid contour plot and estimation of maximum or upper shear stress limit. Cogent engineering [online], 4(1), article 1287248. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2017.1287248
An optimization based statistical (response surface) approach was used to evaluate the rheological properties of bentonite mud treated with silica nanoparticles. The overlaid contour plot established the feasible region for the various factor setting... Read More about Optimizing the rheological properties of silica nano-modified bentonite mud using overlaid contour plot and estimation of maximum or upper shear stress limit..