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The impact of caring for family members with mental illnesses on the caregiver: a scoping review. (2022)
Journal Article
PHILLIPS, R., DURKIN, M., ENGWARD, H., CABLE, G. and IANCU, M. 2023. The impact of caring for family members with mental illnesses on the caregiver: a scoping review. Health promotion international [online], 38(3), daac049. Available from:

A large amount of multidisciplinary, qualitative and quantitative research suggests that providing care for family members with mental health illnesses can have both positive and negative effects on the carers' wellbeing. However, to date a comprehen... Read More about The impact of caring for family members with mental illnesses on the caregiver: a scoping review..

Understanding the victimization of US Army Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in US public. (2022)
Journal Article
PHILLIPS, R. and ALBANESI, H. 2022. Understanding the victimization of US Army Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in US public. Journal of military and veterans' health [online], 30(1), pages 51-64. Available from:

Previous research suggests that US public estimates of mental health problems in US veterans who returned from the deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan exceed actual concerns. The present project examines how sociodemographic factors may contribute to... Read More about Understanding the victimization of US Army Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in US public..

How do sociodemographic characteristics influence UK civilian opinions of UK armed forces Iraq and Afghanistan veterans? A mixed-method approach. (2022)
Journal Article
PHILLIPS, R.H., CONNELLY, V. and BURGESS, M. 2023. How do sociodemographic characteristics influence UK civilian opinions of UK armed forces Iraq and Afghanistan veterans? A mixed-method approach. Armed forces and society [online], 49(2), pages 419-445. Available from:

Evidence suggests that UK veterans are seen as victims with concern for their perceived mental health needs. This study examined sociodemographic factors that contribute to victimizing conceptualizations of British Army Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.... Read More about How do sociodemographic characteristics influence UK civilian opinions of UK armed forces Iraq and Afghanistan veterans? A mixed-method approach..