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Menopausal hormone therapy and women’s health: an umbrella review. (2021)
Journal Article
ZHANG, G.-Q., CHEN, J.-L., LUO, Y., et al. 2021. Menopausal hormone therapy and women's health: an umbrella review. PLoS medicine [online], 18(8), article e1003731. Available from:

Background: There remains uncertainty about the impact of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) on women’s health. A systematic, comprehensive assessment of the effects on multiple outcomes is lacking. We conducted an umbrella review to comprehensively su... Read More about Menopausal hormone therapy and women’s health: an umbrella review..

Menopausal hormone therapy and women's health: an umbrella review. [Dataset] (2021)
ZHANG, G.-Q., CHEN, J.-L., LUO, Y., et al. 2021. Menopausal hormone therapy and women's health: an umbrella review. [Dataset]. PLoS medicine [online], 18(8), article e1003731. Available from:

Why was this study done? By 2050, it is estimated that worldwide more than 1.6 billion women will have reached menopause or be postmenopausal, up from 1 billion in 2020 and up to 75% of menopausal women are affected by bothersome menopausal symptoms,... Read More about Menopausal hormone therapy and women's health: an umbrella review. [Dataset].