Build Our Nation international project: an innovative educational model for systems thinking in design.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BASSANESE, S., ESPANYOL, A., RODEGHIERO, B. and TADI, M. 2012. Build Our Nation international project: an innovative educational model for systems thinking in design. In Gómez Chova, L., López Martínez, A. and Candel Torres, I. (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International technology, education and development conference (INTED 2012), 5-7 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. Valencia: IATED, pages 4849-4858.
Ethical decision-making models grounded in ethical frameworks comprehend elements of systems thinking such as holistic language and value-guided systems. This paper proposes an innovative educational model for systems thinking in architectural design... Read More about Build Our Nation international project: an innovative educational model for systems thinking in design..