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All Outputs (8)

Understanding barriers and opportunities in agricultural information management in post-Soviet states: a case study of Kazakhstan. (2015)
ABDRASSILOVA, R. 2015. Understanding barriers and opportunities in agricultural information management in post-Soviet states: a case study of Kazakhstan. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

After the break-up of the former Soviet Union in 1991, several states declared independence, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under the centralised soviet system Kazakhstan provided mainly raw materials to the USSR, and agriculture operated unde... Read More about Understanding barriers and opportunities in agricultural information management in post-Soviet states: a case study of Kazakhstan..

The best of both worlds: highlighting the synergies of combining manual and automatic knowledge organization methods to improve information search and discovery. (2015)
Journal Article
CLEVERLEY, P.H. and BURNETT, S. 2015. The best of both worlds: highlighting the synergies of combining manual and automatic knowledge organization methods to improve information search and discovery. Knowledge organization, 42(6), pages 428-444.

Research suggests organizations across all sectors waste a significant amount of time looking for information and often fail to leverage the information they have. In response, many organizations have deployed some form of enterprise search to improv... Read More about The best of both worlds: highlighting the synergies of combining manual and automatic knowledge organization methods to improve information search and discovery..

Exploratory information searching in the enterprise: a study of user satisfaction and task performance. (2015)
Journal Article
CLEVERLEY, P.H., BURNETT, S. and MUIR, L. 2017. Exploratory information searching in the enterprise: a study of user satisfaction and task performance. Journal of the association for information science and technology [online], 68(1), pages 77-96. Available from:

No prior research has been identified that investigates the causal factors for workplace exploratory search task performance. The impact of user, task, and environmental factors on user satisfaction and task performance was investigated through a mix... Read More about Exploratory information searching in the enterprise: a study of user satisfaction and task performance..

Bring your own heritage: final project report. (2015)
TAIT, E., LAING, R., GRINNALL, A., BURNETT, S., ISAACS, J. and SCOTT, J. 2015. Bring your own heritage: final project report. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

Public libraries have traditionally played a role in the acquisition and curation of local studies collections, and cultural heritage is recognised as a core area of activity for libraries aiming to increase patron numbers (Danish Agency for Librarie... Read More about Bring your own heritage: final project report..

Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. (2015)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., MACLEOD, I., GOKER, A., HERON, M., ISAACS, J., ELYAN, E. and KALICIAK, L. 2015. Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. In Jackson, D. and Thorsen, E. (eds.) UK election analysis 2015: media, voters and the campaign: early reflections from leading UK academics. Poole: Bournemouth University, centre for the study of journalism, culture and community [online], page 73. Available from:

The advent of social media such as Twitter has revolutionised our conversations about live television events. In the days before the Internet, conversation about television programmes was limited to those sitting on the sofa with you and people you m... Read More about Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015..

Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum campaign. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., GOKER, A., CORNEY, D. and MARTIN, C. 2015. Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum campaign. In Parycek, P. and Edelmann, N. (eds). Proceedings of the 2015 International conference for e-democracy and open government (CeDEM15), 20-22 May 2015, Krems, Austria. Krems: Edition Donau-Universität [online], pages 105-118. Available from:

This paper identifies the peaks and troughs in Twitter usage during three televised Scottish Independence Referendum debates in Autumn 2014 and identifies the topics that were the foci of such peaks and troughs. We observe that the issues that caught... Read More about Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum campaign..

First catch your fish: designing a 'low energy fish' label. (2015)
Journal Article
GRINNALL, A. and BURNETT, S. 2015. First catch your fish: designing a 'low energy fish' label. Sustainability [online], 7(5), pages 6086-6101. Available from:

This paper explores the application of information design principles to label design for fish packaging, identifying energy implications for the product. This stage of the project has consisted of: A review and distillation of the relevant literature... Read More about First catch your fish: designing a 'low energy fish' label..

Creating sparks: comparing search results using discriminatory search term word co-occurrence to facilitate serendipity in the enterprise. (2015)
Journal Article
CLEVERLEY, P.H. and BURNETT, S. 2015. Creating sparks: comparing search results using discriminatory search term word co-occurrence to facilitate serendipity in the enterprise. Journal of information and knowledge management [online], 14(1), article 1550007. Available from:

Categories or tags that appear in faceted search interfaces which are representative of an information item, rarely convey unexpected or non-obvious associated concepts buried within search results. No prior research has been identified which assesse... Read More about Creating sparks: comparing search results using discriminatory search term word co-occurrence to facilitate serendipity in the enterprise..