Optimisation of a capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ASIM, T., MISHRA, R., SAQIB, M. and UBBI, K. 2011. Optimisation of a capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules. In Galar, D., Parida, A., Schunnesson, H. and Kumar, U. (eds.) Proceedings of 1st Maintenance performance measurement and management international conference (MPMM 2011), 13-15 December 2011, Luleå, Sweden. Luleå: Luleå University of Technology [online], pages 147-152. Available from: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:994674/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Pipelines carrying fluids and slurries are very common. The third-generation pipelines carrying spherical or cylindrical capsules (hollow containers) filled with minerals or other materials including hazardous liquids are rather a new concept. These... Read More about Optimisation of a capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules..