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All Outputs (2)

Optimisation of a capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ASIM, T., MISHRA, R., SAQIB, M. and UBBI, K. 2011. Optimisation of a capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules. In Galar, D., Parida, A., Schunnesson, H. and Kumar, U. (eds.) Proceedings of 1st Maintenance performance measurement and management international conference (MPMM 2011), 13-15 December 2011, Luleå, Sweden. Luleå: Luleå University of Technology [online], pages 147-152. Available from:

Pipelines carrying fluids and slurries are very common. The third-generation pipelines carrying spherical or cylindrical capsules (hollow containers) filled with minerals or other materials including hazardous liquids are rather a new concept. These... Read More about Optimisation of a capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules..

Pressure drop in capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ASIM, T., MISHRA, R., SAQIB, M. and UBBI, K. 2011. Pressure drop in capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules. Presented at 38th National conference on fluid mechanics and fluid power 2011 (NCFMFP 2011), 15-17 December 2011, Bhopal, India.

Design parameters of hydraulic pipelines in which capsules flow can be developed if pressure drops (∆P/L)m are known. Designers are in need of a general correlation to calculate pressure drop. Researchers, so far, have used rather simplified empirica... Read More about Pressure drop in capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules..