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Exploring the experiences and perceptions of participating in a peer-support intervention for adults with chronic non-cancer pain: a qualitative systematic review. (2023)
Journal Article
ARNOTT, R., PARK, V., RHIND, N. and COOPER, K. 2023. Exploring the experiences and perceptions of participating in a peer support intervention for adults with chronic non-cancer pain: a qualitative systematic review. JBI evidence synthesis [online], 21(8), pages 1509-1548. Available from:

This review explored the experiences and perceptions of adults with chronic non-cancer pain who participated in peer-support interventions. This included adults' perceptions of intervention components, strengths and limitations of interventions, and... Read More about Exploring the experiences and perceptions of participating in a peer-support intervention for adults with chronic non-cancer pain: a qualitative systematic review..

Student perceptions of the effectiveness of self-editing on their writing: towards a self-regulated approach. (2017)
Journal Article
HOLBROOK, G. and PARK, V.J. 2017. Student perceptions of the effectiveness of self-editing on their writing: towards a self-regulated approach. Journal of learning development in higher education [online], 2017(12), article 425. Available from:

A number of studies have highlighted the importance of teaching students to self-edit their work. Self-editing within higher education has been demonstrated to support students' academic writing skills. It also capitalises on lecturers' written corre... Read More about Student perceptions of the effectiveness of self-editing on their writing: towards a self-regulated approach..