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Briefing: improving children and young people's mental health services: local data insights from England, Scotland and Wales. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
GRIMM, F., ALCOCK, B., BUTLER, J.E., FERNANDEZ CRESPO, R., DAVIES, A., PEYTRIGNET, S., PIRODDI, R., THORLBY, R. and TALLACK, C. 2022. Briefing: improving children and young people's mental health services: local data insights from England, Scotland and Wales. London: The Health Foundation [online]. Available from:

In this briefing, we present analysis from the Networked Data Lab (NDL). Led by the Health Foundation, the NDL is a collaborative network of local analytical teams across England, Scotland and Wales. These teams analysed local, linked data sources to... Read More about Briefing: improving children and young people's mental health services: local data insights from England, Scotland and Wales..

Falling down the rabbit hole? Methodological, conceptual and policy issues in current health inequalities research. (2022)
Journal Article
KELLY-IRVING, M., BALL, W.P., BAMBRA, C., DELPIERRE, C., DUNDAS, R., LYNCH, J., MCCARTNEY, G. and SMITH, K. 2023. Falling down the rabbit hole? Methodological, conceptual and policy issues in current health inequalities research. Critical public health [online], 33(1), pages 37-47. Available from:

Persistent health inequalities pose a challenge to researchers and policymakers. Decades of research have illuminated mechanisms that underlie health inequalities, now we must move beyond these observations to enable policies that can reduce them. In... Read More about Falling down the rabbit hole? Methodological, conceptual and policy issues in current health inequalities research..