Understanding teamwork in rapidly deployed interprofessional teams in intensive and acute care: a systematic review of reviews.
Journal Article
SCHILLING, S., ARMAOU, M., MORRISON, Z., CARDING, P., BRICKNELL, M. and CONNELLY, V. 2022. Understanding teamwork in rapidly deployed interprofessional teams in intensive and acute care: a systematic review of reviews. PLoS One [online], 17(8), article e0272942. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0272942
The rapid increase of acute and intensive care capacities in hospitals needed during the response to COVID-19 created an urgent demand for skilled healthcare staff across the globe. To upscale capacity, many hospitals chose to increase their teams in... Read More about Understanding teamwork in rapidly deployed interprofessional teams in intensive and acute care: a systematic review of reviews..