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Transparency and accountability for the global good? The UK's implementation of EU law requiring country-by-country reporting of payments to governments by extractives. (2019)
Journal Article
CHATZIVGERI, E., CHEW, L., CRAWFORD, L., GORDON, M. and HASLAM, J. 2020. Transparency and accountability for the global good? The UK’s implementation of EU law requiring country-by-country reporting of payments to governments by extractives. Critical perspectives on accounting [online], 67-68, article ID 102074. Available from:

We draw upon the critical accounting literature to theorise what we see here as an accounting mobilisation and functioning in context. The manifestation entails ostensibly a progressive transparency and accountability and merits critical attention vi... Read More about Transparency and accountability for the global good? The UK's implementation of EU law requiring country-by-country reporting of payments to governments by extractives..