Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players.
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2023. Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 37(6), pages 1250-1258. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000004387
The aims of this study were to investigate the impact of high-intensity, low-volume (HRT) vs. moderate-intensity, high-volume resistance training (MRT) vs. soccer training only (CON) on changes in strength, power, and speed, and to compare delayed on... Read More about Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players..