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Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players. (2023)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2023. Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 37(6), pages 1250-1258. Available from:

The aims of this study were to investigate the impact of high-intensity, low-volume (HRT) vs. moderate-intensity, high-volume resistance training (MRT) vs. soccer training only (CON) on changes in strength, power, and speed, and to compare delayed on... Read More about Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players..

Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: an international multi-panel Delphi study. (2023)
Journal Article
ALBERTELLA, L., KIRKHAM, R., ADLER, A.B. et al. 2023. Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: an international multi-panel Delphi study. Frontiers in psychology [online], 13, article 1017675. Available from:

The ability to perform optimally under pressure is critical across many occupations, including the military, first responders and competitive sport. Despite recognition that such performance depends on a range of cognitive factors, how common these f... Read More about Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: an international multi-panel Delphi study..

Stress analysis of pipe-in-pipe systems under free span for deep water pipeline applications. (2023)
Journal Article
MOHAMMED, A.I., JOHNSON, C., SPENCE, S., SKYES, P. and NJUGUNA, J. 2023. Stress analysis of pipe-in-pipe systems under free span for deep water pipeline applications. Petroleum and petrochemical engineering journal [online], 7(1). Available from:

This study examined the phenomena of free span for a pipe -in- pipe (PIP) system for pipeline application. Two different span length of 8 and 30 meters are modelled and simulated using nonlinear stress analysis. The effect of pressure, temperature an... Read More about Stress analysis of pipe-in-pipe systems under free span for deep water pipeline applications..

Transforming the construction industry towards the next normal. (2023)
Journal Article
KULATUNGA, U., OMOTAYO, T. and VICTORIA, M. 2023. Transforming the construction industry towards the next normal. Built environment project and asset management [online], 13(1), pages 1-4. Available from:

The conjecture of the "next normal in construction industry" was catalysed by the impact and gaps created by the COVID-19 pandemic on the construction industry in the year 2020. More significantly, principles underpinning the drive to "Construction I... Read More about Transforming the construction industry towards the next normal..

University and leisure: a commentary and my broad thoughts. (2023)
Journal Article
OLIVIER, S. 2023. University and leisure: a commentary and my broad thoughts. International journal of the sociology of leisure [online], 6(1), pages 11-14. Available from:

In this commentary the author presents his thoughts on what leisure is, with some short remarks on the evolution of the academic discipline and comments on the relationship between leisure and work. The author will also explore what the role and obli... Read More about University and leisure: a commentary and my broad thoughts..

Android source code vulnerability detection: a systematic literature review. (2023)
Journal Article
SENANAYAKE, J., KALUTARAGE, H., AL-KADRI, M.O., PETROVSKI, A. and PIRAS, L. 2023. Android source code vulnerability detection: a systematic literature review. ACM computing surveys [online], 55(9), article 187, pages 1-37. Available from:

The use of mobile devices is rising daily in this technological era. A continuous and increasing number of mobile applications are constantly offered on mobile marketplaces to fulfil the needs of smartphone users. Many Android applications do not add... Read More about Android source code vulnerability detection: a systematic literature review..

A journey of self-discovery and transformation: a theoretical and comprehensive evaluation of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland community development programme. (2023)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., MACIVER, E., ADAMS, N., TEODOROWSKI, P. and KENNEDY, C. 2023. A journey of self-discovery and transformation: a theoretical and comprehensive evaluation of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland community development programme. Journal of advanced nursing [online], 79(6), pages 2200-2210. Available from:

The aim of this study was to evaluate adoption, implementation and maintenance of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland development programme. This was undertaken through a comprehensive, longitudinal, qualitative evaluation. Participants from the f... Read More about A journey of self-discovery and transformation: a theoretical and comprehensive evaluation of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland community development programme..

New Zealand: financial markets: conduct of financial institutions legislation. (2023)
Journal Article
MAK, C.H.W. 2023. New Zealand: financial markets: conduct of financial institutions legislation. Journal of international banking law and regulation [online], 38(2), pages N5-N6. Available from:

On 29 June 2022, the Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Act 2022 was passed into law in New Zealand. The Act establishes a new conduct licensing regime for regulating the conduct of financial institutions, which is scheduled to tak... Read More about New Zealand: financial markets: conduct of financial institutions legislation..

Chiral pharmaceutical drug adsorption to natural and synthetic particulates in water and their desorption in simulated gastric fluid. (2023)
Journal Article
PETRIE, B., MOURA, D.S., LAWTON, L.A. and SANGANYADO, E. 2023. Chiral pharmaceutical drug adsorption to natural and synthetic particulates in water and their desorption in simulated gastric fluid. Journal of hazardous materials advances [online], 9, article 100241. Available from:

Natural and synthetic particulates in aquatic environments can act as a vector for chiral pharmaceutical drugs. Understanding enantiomer enrichment in the particulate phase of water matrices is essential considering the enantiospecific effects that c... Read More about Chiral pharmaceutical drug adsorption to natural and synthetic particulates in water and their desorption in simulated gastric fluid..

Just a 'romantic idea'? A theory-based interview study on medication review implementation with pharmacy owners. (2023)
Journal Article
MICHEL, D.E., TONNA, A.P., DARTSCH, D.C. and WEIDMANN, A.E. 2023. Just a 'romantic idea'? A theory-based interview study on medication review implementation with pharmacy owners. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 45(2), pages 451-460. Available from:

Recent legal changes in Germany entitle patients on multiple medications to receive a medication review (MR). However, the provision of MRs is not mandatory and pharmacy owners decide whether to implement this service in their pharmacies. The aim of... Read More about Just a 'romantic idea'? A theory-based interview study on medication review implementation with pharmacy owners..

Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank. (2023)
Journal Article
WANG, L., LI, X., MONTAZERI, A., MACFARLANE, A.J., MOMOLI, F., DUTHIE, S., SENEKAL, M., EGUIAGARAY, I.M., MUNGER, R., BENNETT, D., CAMPBELL, H., RUBINI, M., MCNULTY, H., LITTLE, J. and THEODORATOU, E. 2023. Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank. American journal of clinical nutrition [online], 117(3), pages 564-575. Available from:

Although a number of health outcomes such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic-related outcomes, neurological disorders, pregnancy outcomes and cancers have been identified in relation to B vitamins, evidence is of uneven quality and volume, and the... Read More about Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank..

Inequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care. (2023)
Journal Article
BALL, W.P., BLACK, C., GORDON, S., OSTROVSKA, B., PARANJOTHY, S., RASALAM, A., RITCHIE, D., ROWLANDS, H., RZEWUSKA, M., THOMPSON, E., WILDE, K. and BUTLER, J.E. 2023. Inequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care. BMC psychiatry [online], 23, article number 22. Available from:

One in eight children in the United Kingdom are estimated to have a mental health condition, and many do not receive support or treatment. The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mental health and disrupted the delivery of care. Prevalence of p... Read More about Inequalities in children's mental health care: analysis of routinely collected data on prescribing and referrals to secondary care..

A novel application of machine learning and zero-shot classification methods for automated abstract screening in systematic reviews. (2023)
Journal Article
MORENO-GARCIA, C.F., JAYNE, C., ELYAN, E. and ACEVES-MARTINS, M. 2023. A novel application of machine learning and zero-shot classification methods for automated abstract screening in systematic reviews. Decision analytics journal [online], 6, article 100162. Available from:

Zero-shot classification refers to assigning a label to a text (sentence, paragraph, whole paper) without prior training. This is possible by teaching the system how to codify a question and find its answer in the text. In many domains, especially he... Read More about A novel application of machine learning and zero-shot classification methods for automated abstract screening in systematic reviews..

Implementing human factors in anaesthesia: guidance for clinicians, departments and hospitals: guidelines from the Difficult Airway Society and the Association of Anaesthetists. (2023)
Journal Article
KELLY, F.E., FRERK, C., BAILEY, C.R., COOK, T.M., FERGUSON, K., FLIN, R., FONG, K., GROOM, P., JOHN, C., LANG, A.R., MEEK, T., MILLER, K.L., RICHMOND, L., SEVDALIS, N. and STACEY, M.R. 2023. Implementing human factors in anaesthesia: guidance for clinicians, departments and hospitals: guidelines from the Difficult Airway Society and the Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia [online], 78(4), pages 458-478. Available from:

Human factors is an evidence-based scientific discipline used in safety critical industries to improve safety and worker well-being. The implementation of human factors strategies in anaesthesia has the potential to reduce the reliance on exceptional... Read More about Implementing human factors in anaesthesia: guidance for clinicians, departments and hospitals: guidelines from the Difficult Airway Society and the Association of Anaesthetists..

Human factors in anaesthesia: a narrative review. (2023)
Journal Article
KELLY, F.E., FRERK, C., BAILEY, C.R., COOK, T.M., FERGUSON, K., FLIN, R., FONG, K., GROOM, P., JOHN, C., LANG, A.R., MEEK, T., MILLER, K.L., RICHMOND, L., SEVDALIS, N. and STACEY, M.R. 2023. Human factors in anaesthesia: a narrative review. Anaesthesia [online], 78(4), pages 479-490. Available from:

Healthcare relies on high levels of human performance, as described by the 'human as the hero' concept. However, human performance varies and is recognised to fall in high pressure situations, meaning that it is not a reliable method of ensuring safe... Read More about Human factors in anaesthesia: a narrative review..

Reflecting on professional self-disclosure and supportive relationships with foster carers during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023)
Journal Article
ARCHARD, P.J., MOORE, I., O'REILLY, M., MAJUMDER, P., WARRENDER, D., ADKINS, T. and TILBURY, E. 2023. Reflecting on professional self-disclosure and supportive relationships with foster carers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health practice [online], 26(2). Available from:

Professional self-disclosure can be defined as a clinician revealing personal information about themselves to the person they are caring for. This article provides reflections from clinicians working in child and adolescent mental health services (CA... Read More about Reflecting on professional self-disclosure and supportive relationships with foster carers during the COVID-19 pandemic..

The impacts of multi-stakeholders collaboration on management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria. (2023)
Journal Article
JOHNSON, F.I., LAING, R., BJEIRMI, B. and LEON, M. 2023. The impacts of multi-stakeholders collaboration on management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria. AIMS environmental science [online], 10(1), pages 93-124. Available from:

Pipeline disasters have caused large losses to Nigeria in terms of economic, ecological, and human lives. A single incident can have devastating consequences for the environment, individuals, and communities. Research to date has recommended the sign... Read More about The impacts of multi-stakeholders collaboration on management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria..

Attention mechanism enhanced multi-layer edge perception network for deep semantic medical segmentation. (2023)
Journal Article
SUN, M., LI, P., REN, J. and WANG, Z. 2023. Attention mechanism enhanced multi-layer edge perception network for deep semantic medical segmentation. Cognitive computation [online], 15(1), pages 348-358. Available from:

Existing deep learning–based medical image segmentation methods have achieved gratifying progress, but they still suffer from the coarse boundaries with similar pixels of target. Because the boundary of medical images becomes blurred and the gradient... Read More about Attention mechanism enhanced multi-layer edge perception network for deep semantic medical segmentation..

Russian foreign investments at risk: why bring investment disputes relating to Russia to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre? (2023)
Journal Article
MAK, C.H.W. and LAI, R. 2023. Russian foreign investments at risk: why bring investment disputes relating to Russia to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre? Asian dispute review [online], 25(1), pages 27-33. Available from:

This article discusses the proliferation of foreign investors seeking redress through arbitration as a result of the international sanctions imposed against Russia and special retaliatory economic counter-measures imposed against certain investors. I... Read More about Russian foreign investments at risk: why bring investment disputes relating to Russia to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre?.

Mechanisms used by multinational oil companies to derail human rights and environmental litigations arising from the Niger Delta. (2023)
Journal Article
OCHEI, N.V., EZEANI, E.C. and ANDERSON, C. 2023. Mechanisms used by multinational oil companies to derail human rights and environmental litigations arising from the Niger Delta. African journal of legal studies [online], 15(2), pages 185-214. Available from:

Multinational oil companies (MNOCs) usually claim that they have several obligations to protect human rights and the environment where they operate and to resolve any disputes with local communities arising from their operations in the shortest possi... Read More about Mechanisms used by multinational oil companies to derail human rights and environmental litigations arising from the Niger Delta..