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Barriers and facilitators associated with the implementation of surgical safety checklists: a qualitative systematic review. (2023)
Journal Article
PATERSON, C., MCKIE, A., TURNER, M. and KAAK, V. 2024. Barriers and facilitators associated with the implementation of surgical safety checklists: a qualitative systematic review. Journal of nursing [online], 80(2), pages 465-483. Available from:

Despite the documented benefits of the World Health Organisation Patient Safety Checklist compliance rates with implementation continue to cause risk to patient safety. This qualitative systematic review aimed to explore the reported factors that imp... Read More about Barriers and facilitators associated with the implementation of surgical safety checklists: a qualitative systematic review..

Novel therapeutics and emerging technology in haemostasis and thrombosis: highlights from the British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis annual meeting. (2023)
Journal Article
WHYTE, C.S., MORROW, G.B., GAUER, J.S., MONTAGUE, S.J. and NICOLSON, P.L.R. 2023. Novel therapeutics and emerging technology in haemostasis and thrombosis: highlights from the British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis annual meeting (BSHT2023), 25-27 January 2023, Birmingham, UK. Front in cardiovascular medicine [online], 10, article number 1225243. Available from:

The BSHT held its annual meeting between January 25th and 27th 2023 at the Edgbaston Park Hotel & Conference Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom. The meeting is an opportunity for academic researchers, biomedical scientists and clinicians to network a... Read More about Novel therapeutics and emerging technology in haemostasis and thrombosis: highlights from the British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis annual meeting..

The experience and support needs of adult family members who face a sudden adult death: a systematic review study. (2023)
Journal Article
STEPHEN, A. and BAGULEY, F. 2023. The experience and support needs of adult family members who face a sudden adult death: a systematic review study. Bereavement: journal of grief and responses to death [online], 2, article number 1100. Available from:

This systematic review explored the experiences of adults with support from professional service providers when facing the sudden death of an adult family member. The reviewers used Joanna Briggs Institute methods, tools and software. Database search... Read More about The experience and support needs of adult family members who face a sudden adult death: a systematic review study..

They gave me an opportunity, and I took it: motivations and concerns of adult apprentices. (2023)
Journal Article
SMITH, S., FABIAN, K., TAYLOR-SMITH, E., BARR, M., BERG, T., BRATTON, A., KOLBERG, M., PATERSON, J. and ZARB, M. 2023. They gave me an opportunity, and I took it: motivations and concerns of adult apprentices. Journal of vocational education and training [online] Latest Articles. Available from:

In the UK context of an ageing population, degree apprenticeships represent a new opportunity to study for a degree while working. Apprentices are full-time employees granted time to study for a degree with a significant workplace learning component.... Read More about They gave me an opportunity, and I took it: motivations and concerns of adult apprentices..

Editorial. (2023)
Journal Article
MARR, A., STEED, J. and BRITT, H. 2023. Editorial. Journal of textile design research and practice [online], 11(1-2): revised papers from the 5th Futurescan conference (Futurescan 5): conscious communities, 7-8 September 2022, Leeds, UK, pages 1-5. Available from:

This editorial introduces issue 1-2 of volume 11 of the Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice. This issue presents revised versions of nine selected papers originally presented at the 5th Futurescan conference (Futurescan 5): conscious comm... Read More about Editorial..

Effective detection of seismic events by non-classical receptive field visual cognitive modelling. (2023)
Journal Article
ZHAO, J., LEI, HAOJIE, LI, YANG, REN, J., SUN, G., ZHAO, H., SHEN, H. and WANG, D. 2023. Effective detection of seismic events by non-classical receptive field visual cognitive modelling. Journal of seismic exploration [online], 32(4), pages 385-406. Available from:

The detection and up-picking of the seismic events are critical for seismic data analysis and interpretation. Events picking can be used for sequence stratigraphic analysis, reservoir feature extraction, the determining of the subsequent reflection i... Read More about Effective detection of seismic events by non-classical receptive field visual cognitive modelling..

Multi-kernel support vector regression optimization model and indirect health factor extraction strategy for the accurate lithium-ion battery remaining useful life prediction. (2023)
Journal Article
CAO, J., WANG, S. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2024. Multi-kernel support vector regression optimization model and indirect health factor extraction strategy for the accurate lithium-ion battery remaining useful life prediction. Journal of solid state electrochemistry [online], 28(1), pages 19-32. Available from:

Remaining useful life (RUL) of lithium-ion batteries is an important indicator for battery health management, and accurate prediction can promote reliable battery system design, as well as safety and effectiveness of practical use. Therefore, we extr... Read More about Multi-kernel support vector regression optimization model and indirect health factor extraction strategy for the accurate lithium-ion battery remaining useful life prediction..

Um pé dentro e um pé fora: refletindo sobre a colaboração científica internacional. (2023)
Journal Article
ADEFILA, A., SPOLANDER, G. and MAIA, E. 2023. Um pé dentro e um pé fora: refletindo sobre a colaboração científica internacional = One foot in and one foot out: reflecting on international collaboration. Argumentum [online], 15(2), pages 125-137. Available from:

International research collaboration has been steadily increasing as higher education has become more marketised. Though there are many obvious benefits to collaborating internationally, there are also several challenges that are often not critically... Read More about Um pé dentro e um pé fora: refletindo sobre a colaboração científica internacional..

Influence of solids and hydraulic retention times on microbial diversity and removal of estrogens and nonylphenols in a pilot-scale activated sludge plant. (2023)
Journal Article
MENSAH, L., PETRIE, B., SCRIMSHAW, M., CARTMELL, E., FLETTON, M. and CAMPO, P. 2023. Influence of solids and hydraulic retention times on microbial diversity and removal of estrogens and nonylphenols in a pilot-scale activated sludge plant. Heliyon [online], 9(9), article e19461. Available from:

The removal of EDCs in activated sludge processes can be enhanced by increasing solid and hydraulic retention times (SRT and HRT); it has been suggested that the improvement in removal is due to changes in microbial community structure (MCS). Though... Read More about Influence of solids and hydraulic retention times on microbial diversity and removal of estrogens and nonylphenols in a pilot-scale activated sludge plant..

Enhancing the drilling efficiency through the application of machine learning and optimization algorithm. (2023)
Journal Article
BOUKREDERA, F.S., YOUCEFI, M.R., HADJADJ, A., EZENKWU, C.P., VAZIRI, V. and APHALE, S.S. 2023. Enhancing the drilling efficiency through the application of machine learning and optimization algorithm. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence [online], 126(part C), article 107035. Available from:

This article presents a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) workflow to enhance drilling performance by mitigating the adverse impact of drill-string vibrations on drilling efficiency. The study employs three supervised machine learning (ML) algorithm... Read More about Enhancing the drilling efficiency through the application of machine learning and optimization algorithm..

Mitigating the impact of cross-culture on project team effectiveness in the Nigerian oil and gas industry: the mediating role of organizational culture and project leadership. (2023)
Journal Article
UMUTEME, O.M. and ADEGBITE, W.M. 2023. Mitigating the impact of cross-culture on project team effectiveness in the Nigerian oil and gas industry: the mediating role of organizational culture and project leadership. Social sciences and humanities open [online], 8(1), article 100653. Available from:

This paper investigates the interplay between cross-culture, organisational culture, path-goal leadership, and team effectiveness in Nigerian oil and gas projects. Employing a quantitative research approach with a philosophical assumption between pos... Read More about Mitigating the impact of cross-culture on project team effectiveness in the Nigerian oil and gas industry: the mediating role of organizational culture and project leadership..

A comprehensive review of pre- and post-treatment approaches to achieve sustainable desalination for different water streams. (2023)
Journal Article
POIRIER, K., LOTFI, M., GARG, K., PATCHIGOLLA, K., ANTHONY, E.J., FAISAL, N.H., MULGUNDMATH, V., SAHITH, J.K., JADHAWAR, P., KOH, L., MOROSUK, T. and AL MHANNA, N. 2023. A comprehensive review of pre- and post-treatment approaches to achieve sustainable desalination for different water streams. Desalination [online], 566, article 116944. Available from:

Desalination is an energy intensive process requiring adequate pre- and post- treatment. The novelty of this paper is that it jointly reviews the technologies for pre-treatment, desalination and post-treatment and bridges the gap between them while c... Read More about A comprehensive review of pre- and post-treatment approaches to achieve sustainable desalination for different water streams..

Lifetime greenhouse gas emissions from offshore hydrogen production. (2023)
Journal Article
DAVIES, A.J. and HASTINGS, A. 2023. Lifetime greenhouse gas emissions from offshore hydrogen production. Energy reports [online], 10, pages 1538-1554. Available from:

With a limited global carbon budget, it is imperative that decarbonisation decisions are based on accurate, holistic accounts of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced to assess their validity. Here the upstream GHG emissions of potential UK off... Read More about Lifetime greenhouse gas emissions from offshore hydrogen production..

Assessing the impacts of climate variables on long-term air quality trends in Peninsular Malaysia. (2023)
Journal Article
ZHENG, Y., OOI., M.C.G., JUNENG, L., WEE, H.B., LATIF, M.T., NADZIR, M.S.M., HANIF, N.M., CHAN, A., LI, L., AHMAD, N.B., TANGANG, F. 2023. Assessing the impacts of climate variables on long-term air quality trends in Peninsular Malaysia. Science of the total environment [online], 901, article 166430. Available from:

Climate change is thought to influence the composition of atmospheric air, but little is known about the direct relationship between these variables, especially in a hot tropical climate like that of Malaysia. This work summarizes and analyzes the cl... Read More about Assessing the impacts of climate variables on long-term air quality trends in Peninsular Malaysia..

The access control double bind: how everyday interfaces regulate access and privacy, enable surveillance, and enforce identity. (2023)
Journal Article
GARDNER, D.L. and TANENBAUM, T.J. 2024. The access control double bind: how everyday interfaces regulate access and privacy, enable surveillance, and enforce identity. Convergence [online], 30(3), pages 1186-1218. Available from:

Access controls are an inescapable and deceptively mundane requirement for accessing digital applications and platforms. These systems enable and enforce practices related to access, ownership, privacy, and surveillance. Companies use access controls... Read More about The access control double bind: how everyday interfaces regulate access and privacy, enable surveillance, and enforce identity..

Hydrodynamic characterisation of fire sprinkler system of a passenger railroad car. (2023)
Journal Article
CRAIG, M., YOUNAS, M. and ASIM, T. 2023. Hydrodynamic characterisation of fire sprinkler system of a passenger railroad car. International journal of condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering management (COMADEM) [online], 26(3), pages 15-23. Available from:

Fire safety is one of the major concerns in the public transport and thus passenger trains in the UK seek continuous improvement in passenger safety and comfort. In order to combat fire, there is a legal requirement in most countries across the globa... Read More about Hydrodynamic characterisation of fire sprinkler system of a passenger railroad car..

Multiple layer kernel extreme learning machine modeling and eugenics genetic sparrow search algorithm for the state of health estimation of lithium-ion batteries. (2023)
Journal Article
LI, Y., WANG, S., CHEN, L., QI, C. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2023. Multiple layer kernel extreme learning machine modeling and eugenics genetic sparrow search algorithm for the state of health estimation of lithium-ion batteries. Energy [online], 282, article number 128776. Available from:

High precision state of health (SOH) estimation of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is a research hotspot in battery management system (BMS). To achieve this goal, an improved integrated algorithm based on multiple layer kernel extreme learning machine (... Read More about Multiple layer kernel extreme learning machine modeling and eugenics genetic sparrow search algorithm for the state of health estimation of lithium-ion batteries..

Using therapeutic photography in social work: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the dynamics within a group programme. (2023)
Journal Article
GIBSON, N. 2024. Using therapeutic photography in social work: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the dynamics within a group programme. British journal of social work [online], 54(1), pages 305-325. Available from:

Therapeutic photography is the practice of using photography in order to explore issues and reach defined outcomes with people who use services. It has been deemed to be an accessible tool which can have a positive impact on self-esteem, self-efficac... Read More about Using therapeutic photography in social work: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the dynamics within a group programme..

Naturalistic decision making and decision drivers in the front end of complex projects. (2023)
Journal Article
LAWANI, A., FLIN, R., OJO-ADEDOKUN, R.F. and BENTON, P. 2023. Naturalistic decision making and decision drivers in the front end of complex projects. International journal of project management [online], 41(6), article 102502. Available from:

Decision making plays a crucial role in the front end of projects, which is a critical stage for maximising the performance of complex projects. Although it has been suggested that project managers rely more on analytical approaches to decision makin... Read More about Naturalistic decision making and decision drivers in the front end of complex projects..

The memorial afterlives of online crowdsourcing: "Lives of the First World War" at Imperial War Museums. (2023)
Journal Article
FOSTER, A.-M. and WALLIS, J. 2023. The memorial afterlives of online crowdsourcing: "Lives of the First World War" at Imperial War Museums. Public history review [online], 30, pages 89-104. Available from:

From May 2014 to March 2019 the Imperial War Museums launched a large-scale digital crowdsourcing project, 'Lives of the First World War'. 'Lives' melded official and unofficial datasets to create an integrated database of people who had participated... Read More about The memorial afterlives of online crowdsourcing: "Lives of the First World War" at Imperial War Museums..