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At the Edge: Periludic Elements in Game Studies (2021)
Journal Article
GARDNER, D.L. and TANENBAUM, T.J. 2021. At the edge: periludic elements in game studies. Game studies [online], 21(4). Available from:

While much of the scholarship around games focuses on either communities of play, or the content of the games and gameplay themselves, comparatively little attention has been paid to the infrastructures that players must negotiate to gain access to t... Read More about At the Edge: Periludic Elements in Game Studies.

Impact of relative humidity and length-scale on the performance of a large PEM fuel cell. (2021)
Journal Article
LAI, K.K., ARIF, M., ANDREWS, J. and CHEUNG, S. 2021. Impact of relative humidity and length-scale on the performance of a large PEM fuel cell. International journal of renewable energy research [online], 11(4), pages 1609-1620. Available from:

Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is emerging as a promising future power source. Research has been focused on small PEMFCs, while its scalability and the performance of large cells remains elusive. This paper presents a numerical investiga... Read More about Impact of relative humidity and length-scale on the performance of a large PEM fuel cell..

A fault diagnosis framework for centrifugal pumps by scalogram-based imaging and deep learning. (2021)
Journal Article
HASAN, M.J., RAI, A., AHMAD, Z. and KIM, J.-Y. 2021. A fault diagnosis framework for centrifugal pumps by scalogram-based imaging and deep learning. IEEE access [online], 9, pages 58052-58066. Available from:

Centrifugal pumps are the most vital part of any process industry. A fault in centrifugal pump can affect imperative industrial processes. To ensure reliable operation of the centrifugal pump, this paper proposes a novel automated health state diagno... Read More about A fault diagnosis framework for centrifugal pumps by scalogram-based imaging and deep learning..

Historical development to the 1982 United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea and the new international economic order. (2021)
Journal Article
OCHEM, C.E. and DEBSKI, A.J. 2021. Historical development to the 1982 United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea and the new international economic order. Igbinedion University journal of jurisprudence and international law, 2, pages 212-237.

Pursuant to a resolution adopted by an overwhelming majority by the U.N.G.A. on the 17th of December 1970 it was decided to convene a new law of the sea in 1973, chief among other factors that would have provoked this decision, fifteen years only af... Read More about Historical development to the 1982 United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea and the new international economic order..

An appraisal of the mechanisms for the enforcement of environmental laws in Nigeria. (2021)
Journal Article
NWAZI, J. and DEBSKI, J.A. 2021. An appraisal of the mechanisms for the enforcement of environmental laws in Nigeria. Igbinedion University journal of jurisprudence and international law, 2, page 250-270.

This work attempts to critically evaluate the enforcement of environmental laws in Nigeria. The essence of good enforcement of environmental laws cannot be over emphasized. As a result, a lot of laws, regulations and policies have been put in place t... Read More about An appraisal of the mechanisms for the enforcement of environmental laws in Nigeria..

Examining myths of the mad, bad and sad British veteran in today's media: a qualitative approach. (2021)
Journal Article
PHILLIPS, R. and CONNELLY, V. 2021. Examining myths of the mad, bad and sad British veteran in today's media: a qualitative approach. Journal of political and military sociology [online], 48(1), pages 73-96. Available from:

Previous research on British public perceptions of UK veterans has focused mainly on opinion polls and survey data. This is problematic, as the broader scope of public dialogue and discourse that informs and influences public perceptions of veterans... Read More about Examining myths of the mad, bad and sad British veteran in today's media: a qualitative approach..

I will kill you and nothing will happen: extra-judicial killings in Nigeria and public interest litigation. (2021)
Journal Article
ODUNAIKE, D.A., LALUDE, O.M. and ODUSANYA, T.O. 2021. I will kill you and nothing will happen: extra-judicial killings in Nigeria and public interest litigation. Białostockie studia prawnicze [online[, 26(6), pages 145-162. Available from:

Public interest litigation is a mechanism of intervention in a matter that concerns the public. It could be about human rights, government policy, or some other issue that could present a challenge to public life. Public interest litigation is import... Read More about I will kill you and nothing will happen: extra-judicial killings in Nigeria and public interest litigation..

Patients’ experiences of medicines on initiation of antineoplastic agents for the treatment of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study. (2021)
Journal Article
BRINCAT, A., VELLA BONANNO, P., STEWART, D. and WEIDMANN, A.E. 2021. Patients' experiences of medicines on initiation of antineoplastic agents for the treatment of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study. BMJ open [online], 11(12), article e047749. Available from:

Objective To explore the patients' experiences on initiation of treatment with antineoplastic medicines for colorectal cancer. Design A qualitative study using semistructured, face-to-face interviews based on the adapted patients' lived experience wi... Read More about Patients’ experiences of medicines on initiation of antineoplastic agents for the treatment of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study..

Production of biobank data for the needs of civil and criminal proceedings: jurisprudence from the EU states. (2021)
Journal Article
LYTVYNENKO, A.A. 2021. Production of biobank data for the needs of civil and criminal proceedings: jurisprudence from the EU states. International comparative jurisprudence [online], 7(2), pages 169-189. Available from:

The purposes of retaining biological material may be diverse. Biorepositories, which are containers of biological materials, are referred to as biobanks in English-language scholarship or biotheques in French. There is no uniform agreement in legal a... Read More about Production of biobank data for the needs of civil and criminal proceedings: jurisprudence from the EU states..

A novel intelligent weight decreasing firefly–particle filtering method for accurate state‐of‐charge estimation of lithium‐ion batteries. (2021)
Journal Article
QIAO, J., WANG, S., YU, C., YANG, X. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2022. A novel intelligent weight decreasing firefly-particle filtering method for accurate state-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries. International journal of energy research [online], 46(5), pages 6613-6622Early View. Available from:

Accurate state-of-charge estimation plays an extremely crucial role in battery management systems. To realize the real-time and precise state-of-charge estimation, an intelligent weight decreasing firefly–particle filtering algorithm is proposed. In... Read More about A novel intelligent weight decreasing firefly–particle filtering method for accurate state‐of‐charge estimation of lithium‐ion batteries..

Changes in patient activation following cardiac rehabilitation using the Active+me digital healthcare platform during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cohort evaluation. (2021)
Journal Article
FRITH, G., CARVER, K., CURRY, S., DARBY, A., SYDES, A., SYMONDS, S., WILSON, K., MCGREGOR, G., AUTON, K. and NICHOLS, S. 2021. Changes in patient activation following cardiac rehabilitation using the Active+me digital healthcare platform during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cohort evaluation. BMC health services research [online], 21, article number 1363. Available from:

Restrictions on face-to-face contact, due to COVID-19, led to a rapid adoption of technology to remotely deliver cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Some technologies, including Active+me, were used without knowing their benefits. We assessed changes in pat... Read More about Changes in patient activation following cardiac rehabilitation using the Active+me digital healthcare platform during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cohort evaluation..

Influence of socioemotional wealth on non-family managers' risk taking and product innovation in family businesses. (2021)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y., DAYAN, M. and MAKRI, M. 2022. Influence of socioemotional wealth of non-family managers' risk taking and product innovation in family business. Cross cultural and strategic management [online], 29(2), pages 297-319. Available from:

There is a growing interest in understanding family firms' strategic behavior using the socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspective. This study explores how family SEW dimensions influence non-family managers' attitudes toward risk in the context of prod... Read More about Influence of socioemotional wealth on non-family managers' risk taking and product innovation in family businesses..

State of science: models and methods for understanding and enhancing teams and teamwork in complex sociotechnical systems. (2021)
Journal Article
ROBERTS, A.P.J., WEBSTER, L.V., SALMON, P.M., FLIN, R., SALAS, E., COOKE, N.J., READ, G.J.M. and STANTON, N.A. 2022. State of science: models and methods for understanding and enhancing teams and teamwork in complex sociotechnical systems. Ergonomics [online], 65(2), pages 161-187. Available from:

This state of the science review brings together the disparate literature of effective strategies for enhancing and accelerating team performance. The review evaluates and synthesises models and proposes recommended avenues for future research. The t... Read More about State of science: models and methods for understanding and enhancing teams and teamwork in complex sociotechnical systems..

Association between physical activity and immunogenicity of an inactivated virus vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. (2021)
Journal Article
GUALANO, B., LEMES, I.R., SILVA, R.P. et al. 2022. Association between physical activity and immunogenicity of an inactivated virus vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Brain, behavior and immunity [online], 101, pages 49-56. Available from:

Objectives: To investigate whether physical activity is associated with enhanced immunogenicity of a SARS-CoV-2 inactivated vaccine (Coronavac) in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARD) (n = 898) and in non-ARD (n = 197) individuals withou... Read More about Association between physical activity and immunogenicity of an inactivated virus vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases..

Practices, preferences, and understandings of rewarding to improve safety in high-risk industries. (2021)
Journal Article
HOUETTE, B. and MUELLER-HIRTH, N. 2022. Practices, preferences, and understandings of rewarding to improve safety in high-risk industries. Journal of safety research [online], 80, pages 302-310. Available from:

Introduction: This article examines employers’ practices and employees’ experiences of incentive programmes that aim to encourage and reward safe behavior in high-risk industries, focusing particularly on the oil and gas sector. Little qualitative re... Read More about Practices, preferences, and understandings of rewarding to improve safety in high-risk industries..

Tackling issues of global concern by revisiting the justifications for state approaches to governance. (2021)
Journal Article
MADEBWE, T. 2021. Tackling issues of global concern by revisiting the justifications for state approaches to governance. Comparative law review [online], 27, pages 329-351. Available from:

Issues of global concern typically arise where there is a limited commitment to accountable governance. This paper argues that there has been an evolution in the state function. This evolution has made it possible to envisage a progression to account... Read More about Tackling issues of global concern by revisiting the justifications for state approaches to governance..

Bearing fault diagnosis using multidomain fusion-based vibration imaging and multitask learning. (2021)
Journal Article
HASAN, M.J., ISLAM, M.M.M. and KIM, J.-M. 2022. Bearing fault diagnosis using multidomain fusion-based vibration imaging and multitask learning. Sensors [online], 22(1): sensing technologies for fault diagnostics and prognosis, article 56. Available from:

Statistical features extraction from bearing fault signals requires a substantial level of knowledge and domain expertise. Furthermore, existing feature extraction techniques are mostly confined to selective feature extraction methods namely, time-do... Read More about Bearing fault diagnosis using multidomain fusion-based vibration imaging and multitask learning..

The incidence and determinants of metabolic syndrome amongst a group of migrants to Qatar: a prospective longitudinal observational cohort study 24-months post-migration. (2021)
Journal Article
AL-ADAWI, R.M., PRABHU, K.S., STEWART, D., RYAN, C., ABDELAZIZ, H., ELEDRISI, M., IBRAHIM, M.I.M., UDDIN, S. and TONNA, A.P. 2022. The incidence and determinants of metabolic syndrome amongst a group of migrants to Qatar: a prospective longitudinal observational cohort study 24-months post-migration. Journal of clinical medicine [online], 11(1), article 34. Available from:

While there is some evidence that migration to Western countries increases metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk, there is a lack of data pertaining to migration to the Middle East. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between migration and MetS... Read More about The incidence and determinants of metabolic syndrome amongst a group of migrants to Qatar: a prospective longitudinal observational cohort study 24-months post-migration..

Promoting the solar industry in Ghana through effective Public-Private Partnership (PPP): some lessons from South Africa and Morocco. (2021)
Journal Article
AWUKU, S.A., BENNADJI, A., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F. and SELLAMI, N. 2022. Promoting the solar industry in Ghana through effective Public-Private Partnership (PPP): some lessons from South Africa and Morocco. Energies [online], 15(1), article 17. Available from:

Over the past decades, solar energy has gained much attention in Ghana, especially after the 2012–2016 power crisis. The government through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) has attempted to increase the shares of solar generation to augment its eff... Read More about Promoting the solar industry in Ghana through effective Public-Private Partnership (PPP): some lessons from South Africa and Morocco..

Experimental testing on the influence of shaft rotary lip seal misalignment for a marine hydro-kinetic turbine. (2021)
Journal Article
HAND, B.P., ERDOGAN, N., MURRAY, D., CRONIN, P., DORAN, J. and MURPHY, J. 2022. Experimental testing on the influence of shaft rotary lip seal misalignment for a marine hydro-kinetic turbine. Sustainable energy technologies and assessments [online], 50, article 101874. Available from:

Tidal energy has received considerable attention over the past decade due to its predictability and high power density. The research in the tidal turbine area has concentrated primarily on the improvement of the energy conversion efficiency. In contr... Read More about Experimental testing on the influence of shaft rotary lip seal misalignment for a marine hydro-kinetic turbine..