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The processing of epoxy/multi-layer graphene nanocomposites: effects of acetone on properties. (2019)
Journal Article
SAHARUDIN, M.S., HASBI, S., OKOLO, C., WEI, J. and JUSOH, A.R. 2019. The processing of epoxy/multi-layer graphene nanocomposites: effects of acetone on properties. Journal of engineering science and technology [online], 14(6), pages 3131-3142. Available from:

Epoxy/multi-layer graphene nanocomposites prepared with different acetone dosages (0 ml, 25 ml and 50 ml) were successfully produced. This study investigates the effectiveness of short-term dispersion and small dosages of acetone on the properties of... Read More about The processing of epoxy/multi-layer graphene nanocomposites: effects of acetone on properties..

Edimburgo - Roma 1967: connessioni italo-scozzesi sulle tracce della mostra Contemporary Italian Art alla Richard Demarco Gallery. (2019)
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. 2019. Edimburgo – Roma 1967: connessioni italo-scozzesi sulle tracce della mostra Contemporary Italian Art alla Richard Demarco Gallery. Storia dell'arte [online], 151/152, pages 205-215. Available from:

Since the 60s, the Italo-Scottish artist and cultural entrepreneur Richard Demarco (Edinburgh, 1930), has played a fundamental role in the production and promotion of European - and in particular Italian - visual and performing arts in Scotland. Dema... Read More about Edimburgo - Roma 1967: connessioni italo-scozzesi sulle tracce della mostra Contemporary Italian Art alla Richard Demarco Gallery..

Meet the next generation: Rachael Ironside. (2019)
Journal Article
IRONSIDE, R. 2019. Meet the next generation: Rachael Ironside. Mindfield: the bulletin of the Parapsychological Association [online] 11(3), pages 120-121. Available from:

This feature focuses on the next generation of scientists and scholars researching parapsychological topics. The author talks of her journey inside parapsychology, what is her biggest accomplishment and future research plans.

Do non-governmental organizations bring change or maintain the status quo in times of crisis? A case study of the Marikana massacre in South Africa. (2019)
Journal Article
LANGA, M., REBELLO, S. and HARMS-SMITH, L. 2021. Do non-governmental organizations bring change or maintain the status quo in times of crisis? A case study of the Marikana massacre in South Africa. Community development journal [online], 56(2), pages 300-317. Available from:

This paper reflects on the Marikana massacre of August 2012, subsequent violent strikes and responses by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as a case study, and provides an analysis about whether these interventions bring transformative change or... Read More about Do non-governmental organizations bring change or maintain the status quo in times of crisis? A case study of the Marikana massacre in South Africa..

The evolution of European policies on investment arbitration. (2019)
Journal Article
KOTELNIKOV, A.G. and VOROPAEV, K.A. 2019. The evolution of European policies on investment arbitration. Herald of the Euro-Asian law congress [online], 2019(1), pages 68-83. Available from:

Over the last two decades, the European Commission radically altered its attitude towards investment arbitration and became its fierce opponent. This article considers the history of this change, attempts to fathom the pragmatic thinking of the Europ... Read More about The evolution of European policies on investment arbitration..

Implications of financial intermediation on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria: 2000-2017. (2019)
Journal Article
ADEWOLE, J.A., DARE, F.D. and OGUNYEMI, J.K. 2019. Implications of financial intermediation on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria: 2000-2017. Financial markets, institutions and risks [online], 3(4), pages 94-105. Available from:

The paper examined the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on Financial Intermediation and the performance of Commercial banks in Nigeria. Despite a series of reforms and restructuring aimed at enhancing the bank's ability... Read More about Implications of financial intermediation on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria: 2000-2017..

Harvesting sustainable energy from saltwater, part II: effect of electrode geometry. (2019)
Journal Article
BANI, N.A., MAD KAIDI, H., MUHTAZARUDDIN, M.N., MOHAMED RASHIDI, A.H., HASSAN, M.Z., SARIP, S., SALEH, S., MUHAMMAD SUKKI, F., ABU BAKAR, S.H., MAS'UD, A.A. and ARDILLA-REY, J. 2019. Harvesting sustainable energy from saltwater, part II: effect of electrode geometry. Test engineering and management [online], 81 (11-12), pages 5709-5717. Available from:

Green energy or renewable energy is a widely and commonly used terminology when depicting the energy generated from natural resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and hydropower. One energy resource, in particular, has yet to unleash its... Read More about Harvesting sustainable energy from saltwater, part II: effect of electrode geometry..

Effect of seasonal diet composition changes on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract contents of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). (2019)
Journal Article
MILTKO, R., KOWALIK, B., KĘDZIERSKA, A., DEMIASZKIEWICZ, A.W., MCEWAN, N.R., OBIDZIŃSKI, A. and BEŁŻECKI, G. 2019. Effect of seasonal diet composition changes on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract contents of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Journal of animal and feed sciences [online], 28(4), pages 392-397. Available from:

The goal of the study was to compare chemical and physical parameters of the content of various gastrointestinal (GI) tract segments of adult beavers and to relate the obtained results to seasonal changes in the composition of natural diet. The study... Read More about Effect of seasonal diet composition changes on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract contents of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)..

A comparative analysis of local content policies in the North Sea and the Gulf of Guinea regions. (2019)
Journal Article
OBIRI, K.A. and BJEIRMI, B. 2019. A comparative analysis of local content policies in the North Sea and the Gulf of Guinea regions. Journal of scientific research and reports [online], 25(5), article number 53413. Available from:

Since their introduction in the North Sea, most resource-rich countries in Africa are introducing or reinforcing local content policies (LCPs) and regulations, to propel socio-economic development. Local content is now a prerequisite for granting an... Read More about A comparative analysis of local content policies in the North Sea and the Gulf of Guinea regions..

Elektrikli sürme sistemlerinin gerçek zamanlı döngüde donanımsal benzetimi ve kalıcı mıknatıslı bir senkron motor sürücü uygulaması. (2019)
Journal Article
ERDOGAN, N. 2019. Elektrikli sürme sistemlerinin gerçek zamanlı döngüde donanımsal benzetimi ve kalıcı mıknatıslı bir senkron motor sürücü uygulaması. Gazi Üniversitesi fen bilimleri dergisi Part C: tasarım ve teknoloji [online], 7(4), pages 802-817. Available from:

In this study, the hardware used in real-time HIL simulation of electric drive systems are comparatively examined, and suitable platforms are suggested with respect to applications of electric drive systems. In the case study, a real-time simulation... Read More about Elektrikli sürme sistemlerinin gerçek zamanlı döngüde donanımsal benzetimi ve kalıcı mıknatıslı bir senkron motor sürücü uygulaması..

Systematic and integrative reviews: synthesising evidence for community nursing practice. (2019)
Journal Article
KENNEDY, C. and RAMUKUMBA, M.M. 2020. Systematic and integrative reviews: synthesising evidence for community nursing practice. British journal of community nursing [online], 25(1), pages 6-9. Available from:

All rights reserved. Ease of access to vast amounts of information presents significant opportunities and challenges for nurses in the community as they seek to base their practice on the best available evidence. Growing expectations around evidence-... Read More about Systematic and integrative reviews: synthesising evidence for community nursing practice..

Is there respectful maternity care in Poland? Women’s views about care during labor and birth. (2019)
Journal Article
BARANOWSKA, B., DOROSZEWSKA, A., KUBICKA-KRASZYŃSKA, U., PIETRUSIEWICZ, J., ADAMSKA-SALA, I., KAJDY, A., SYS, D., TATAJ-PUZYNA, U., BĄCZEK, G. and CROWTHER, S. 2019. Is there respectful maternity care in Poland? Women’s views about care during labor and birth. BMC pregnancy and childbirth [online], 19(1), article ID 520. Available from:

Abuse against women in labor starts with subtle forms of discrimination that can turn into overt violence. Therefore it is crucial to work towards prevention and elimination of disrespect and ill-treatment in medical facility perinatal care in which... Read More about Is there respectful maternity care in Poland? Women’s views about care during labor and birth..

Long-term spatial and temporal patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Scottish soils over 20 years (1990–2009): a national picture. (2019)
Journal Article
CUI, S., ZHANG, Z., FU, Q., HOUGH, R., YATES, K., OSPREY, M., YAKOWA, G. and COULL, M. 2020. Long-term spatial and temporal patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Scottish soils over 20 years, 1990-2009: a national picture. Geoderma [online], 361, article ID 114135. Available from:

Long-term spatial and temporal concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Scottish soils from four transects were measured in three national-scale surveys conducted between 1990 and 2009. Measured concentrations of 16 priority PAHs... Read More about Long-term spatial and temporal patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Scottish soils over 20 years (1990–2009): a national picture..

Phosphate and nitrate supplementations to evaluate the effect on cell biomass, intra and extracellular nodularin and nodulopeptin 901 produced by the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena KAC 66. (2019)
Journal Article
HAMEED, S., LAWTON, L.A. and EDWARDS, C. 2020. Phosphate and nitrate supplementations to evaluate the effect on cell biomass, intra and extracellular nodularin and nodulopeptin 901 produced by the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena KAC 66. Journal of applied phycology [online], 32(2), pages 937-950. Available from:

Blooms of the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena occur regularly in the Baltic Sea typically producing a wide range of bioactive peptides including the hepatotoxin nodularin (NOD), spumigins, anabaenopeptins and nodulopeptins (molecular weights: 917,... Read More about Phosphate and nitrate supplementations to evaluate the effect on cell biomass, intra and extracellular nodularin and nodulopeptin 901 produced by the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena KAC 66..

Learning how to work in multicultural teams: students' insights on the internationalisation-at-home activities. (2019)
Journal Article
BARBOSA, B., SWARTZ, S., LUCK, S., PRADO-MEZA, C. and CRAWFORD, I. 2019. Learning how to work in multicultural teams: students' insights on the internationalisation-at-home activities. Interpersona [online], 13(2), pages 205-219. Available from:

Internationalization-at-home activities present relevant opportunities for innovation in the teaching-learning process. These activities provide a very broad set of advantages, including the development of soft skills and increased motivation of stud... Read More about Learning how to work in multicultural teams: students' insights on the internationalisation-at-home activities..

O Tempora! O Mores! The place of boni mores in dignity discourse. (2019)
Journal Article
BROWN, J. 2020. O Tempora! O Mores! The place of boni mores in dignity discourse. Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics, 29(1), pages 144-155. Available from:

In an earlier article, I had argued that Common lawyers and bioethicists may find the Romanistic notion of the actio iniuriarum, and the conception of ‘dignity’ which is central to this legal mechanism, instructive in complex medico-legal cases. Prof... Read More about O Tempora! O Mores! The place of boni mores in dignity discourse..

Swelling performance of sodium polyacrylate and poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) potassium salt. (2019)
Journal Article
MAHON, R., BALOGUN, Y., OLUYEMI, G. and NJUGUNA, J. 2020. Swelling performance of sodium polyacrylate and poly (acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) potassium salt. SN applied sciences [online], 2(1), article ID 117. Available from:

The application of superabsorbent polymer hydrogels in the oil and gas industry for reservoir and well management is gaining more traction. In this study, the swelling performance and adsorption kinetics of two commercial superabsorbent polymer hydro... Read More about Swelling performance of sodium polyacrylate and poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) potassium salt..

Modeling phosphorus exchange between bottom sediment and water in tropical semiarid reservoirs. (2019)
Journal Article
MOURA, D.S., LIMA NETO, I.E., CLEMENTE, A., OLIVEIRA, S., PESTANA, C.J., APARECIDA DE MELO, M. and CAPELO-NETO, J. 2020. Modeling phosphorus exchange between bottom sediment and water in tropical semiarid reservoirs. Chemosphere [online], 246, article ID 125686. Available from:

This study investigated phosphorus (P) dynamics in the sediment-water interface of three distinct reservoirs located in a tropical semiarid region. Sequential chemical fractioning of the P content in the sediment and controlled experiments of the sed... Read More about Modeling phosphorus exchange between bottom sediment and water in tropical semiarid reservoirs..

Developing and introducing a post birth care plan (PBCP): an action research project. (2019)
Journal Article
CROWTHER, S., LAU, A. and MACIVER, E. 2020. Developing and introducing a post birth care plan (PBCP): an action research project. Midwifery [online], 82, article ID 102616. Available from:

Objective: There is ongoing poor evaluation of post-birth care and an urgent need to improve women's satisfaction. To develop and evaluate an acceptable and useable post-birth care plan template through collaboration with women and community midwives... Read More about Developing and introducing a post birth care plan (PBCP): an action research project..

Foundational stigma: place‐based stigma in the age before advanced marginality. (2019)
Journal Article
BUTLER-WARKE, A. 2020. Foundational stigma: place-based stigma in the age before advanced marginality. British journal of sociology [online], 71(1), pages 140-152. Available from:

This paper joins the debate on the formation of territorial stigma by uncovering the existence of a form of “foundational stigma” that preceded place-based stigma of the era of advanced marginality. I show that not only were the traces of stigma pres... Read More about Foundational stigma: place‐based stigma in the age before advanced marginality..