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Constitutionalism in Botswana. (2020)
Journal Article
MADEBWE, T. 2020. Constitutionalism in Botswana. University of Botswana law journal [online], 28, pages 3-18. Available from:

There is talk of constitutional reform, led by the incumbent President and the ruling party, in Botswana. This is to be celebrated considering that the resident and his party hold the sort of majority in parliament which would allow them to easily su... Read More about Constitutionalism in Botswana..

Effect of vacuum cooking process conditions on color, textural, microstructural and sensory properties of beef. (2020)
Journal Article
DEVSEREN, E., OKUT, D., KOÇ, M., KARATAŞ, H. and KAYMAK-ERTEKIN, F. 2020. Effect of vacuum cooking process conditions on color, textural, microstructural and sensory properties of beef. Akademik gida [online], 18(4), pages 347-356. Available from:

In this study, the effect of vacuum cooking conditions (temperature and time) on the color, textural, microstructural and sensory quality of beef samples was investigated. In order to determine the optimum cooking temperature (60-90ºC) and time (80-1... Read More about Effect of vacuum cooking process conditions on color, textural, microstructural and sensory properties of beef..

Bitcoin as a new currency. (2020)
Journal Article
BRZESZCZYŃSKI, J., GAJDKA, J. and SCHABEK, T. 2020. Bitcoin as a new currency. Folia oeconomica stetinensia [online], 20(2), 49-65. Available from:

Bitcoin is the most popular financial instrument within the new cryptocurrencies class, which emerged in the wake of the financial crisis of 2007/2008. The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of Bitcoin from the perspective of the Polish... Read More about Bitcoin as a new currency..

Strategic flexibility and organizational resilience of women entrepreneurs in Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2020)
Journal Article
ONOSHAKPOR, C., ETUKNWA, A. and KARAMALLA-GAIBALLA, N. 2020. Strategic flexibility and organizational resilience of women entrepreneurs' in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research journal of business and management [online], 7(4), pages 277-287. Available from:

Purpose: The focus of this paper was on role of strategic flexibility in the actualization of organizational resilience of women entrepreneurs' in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: In this study, the content bothered primarily on the... Read More about Strategic flexibility and organizational resilience of women entrepreneurs in Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic..

Computational fluid dynamics modelling to design and optimise power kites for renewable power generation. (2020)
Journal Article
PEGG, C., SURI, Y., ISLAM, S.Z., ASTHANA, A. and HOSSAIN, M. 2020. Computational fluid dynamics modelling to design and optimise power kites for renewable power generation. International journal of design engineering [online], 9(2): energy and sustainable futures, pages 81-100. Available from:

Power kites provide the potential rewards of obtaining the disused energy supply from high altitude wind. This paper aims to provide a design of power kite and optimise the potential for renewable power generation. The power kite was modelled using c... Read More about Computational fluid dynamics modelling to design and optimise power kites for renewable power generation..

Assessment of priority options for preservation of historic buildings using model based on FPROMETHEE. (2020)
Journal Article
SEDDIKI, M., TEHAMI, M. and BENNADJI, A. 2020. Assessment of priority options for preservation of historic buildings using model based on FPROMETHEE. Algerian journal of engineering architecture and urbanism [online] 4(3), pages 29-34. Available from:

Historic buildings in Algeria are subject to an extensive preservation program. Investments made to preserve this heritage are becoming increasingly important. The prioritisation of renovation interventions requires a global approach because it simul... Read More about Assessment of priority options for preservation of historic buildings using model based on FPROMETHEE..

Weddings in Catholic strong belief communities: a qualitative examination of Catholic deep-faith spouses’ experience of their wedding. (2020)
Journal Article
PHILLIPS, R. 2020. Weddings in Catholic strong belief communities: a qualitative examination of Catholic deep-faith spouses' experience of their wedding. International journal of religion and spirituality in society [online], 10(4), pages 87-103. Available from:

Previous research indicated that traditional rituals, social codes, and contemporary norms strongly influence a wedding’s construction. This project aimed to understand how members from strong belief Roman Catholic communities negotiate between socia... Read More about Weddings in Catholic strong belief communities: a qualitative examination of Catholic deep-faith spouses’ experience of their wedding..

Representations of British armed forces veterans in the press: a quantitative analysis of newspaper articles. (2020)
Journal Article
PHILLIPS, R., CONNELLY, V. and BURGESS, M. 2020. Representations of British armed forces veterans in the press: a quantitative analysis of newspaper articles. Journal of political and military sociology [online], 47(1), pages 77-98. Available from:

Previous research has shown that British public perception of veterans can be negative and erroneous. Surveys, for example, indicate that veterans are characterized as skilled and valorous individuals but also as suffering from ill-health, unemployme... Read More about Representations of British armed forces veterans in the press: a quantitative analysis of newspaper articles..

Integrative model of behavioural intention: the influence of environmental concern and condition factors on food waste separation. (2020)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y., HO., P.-L. and SIA, J.K.-M. 2021. Integrative model of behavioural intention: the influence of environmental concern and condition factors on food waste separation. Management of environmental quality [online], 32(2), pages 631-645. Available from:

This paper positions environmental concern as the antecedent of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. It also sets to expand the theory of planned behaviour by including two condition factors: favourable situation and facility... Read More about Integrative model of behavioural intention: the influence of environmental concern and condition factors on food waste separation..

Talk like an expert: the construction of expertise in news comments concerning climate change. (2020)
Journal Article
COEN, S., MEREDITH, J., WOODS, R. and FERNANDEZ, A. 2021. Talk like an expert: the construction of expertise in news comments concerning climate change. Public understanding of science [online], 30(4), pages 400-416. Available from:

This article explores how readers of UK newspapers construct expertise around climate change. It draws on 300 online readers’ comments on news items in The Guardian, Daily Mail and The Telegraph, concerning the release of the International Panel on C... Read More about Talk like an expert: the construction of expertise in news comments concerning climate change..

Practical, everyday feminism: mothers, politicians, and Mumsnet. (2020)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2021. Practical, everyday feminism: mothers, politicians, and Mumsnet. Women's history review [online], 30(3), pages 509-519. Available from:

This Viewpoint positions the contemporary UK parenting website Mumsnet within the wider history of mothers' organisations' interactions with politics and politicians over the last 100 years. While the politicisation of motherhood is nothing new, and... Read More about Practical, everyday feminism: mothers, politicians, and Mumsnet..

Resource offload consolidation based on deep-reinforcement learning approach in cyber-physical systems. (2020)
Journal Article
MEKALA, M.S., JOLFAEI, A., SRIVASTAVA, G., ZHENG, X., ANVARI-MOGHADDAM, A. and VISWANATHAN, P. 2022. Resource offload consolidation based on deep-reinforcement learning approach in cyber-physical systems. IEEE transactions on emerging topics in computational intelligence [online], 6(2), pages 245-254. Available from:

In cyber-physical systems, it is advantageous to leverage cloud with edge resources to distribute the workload for processing and computing user data at the point of generation. Services offered by cloud are not flexible enough against variations in... Read More about Resource offload consolidation based on deep-reinforcement learning approach in cyber-physical systems..

Rapid uptake and slow depuration: health risks following cyanotoxin accumulation in mussels? (2020)
Journal Article
CAMACHO-MUÑOZ, D., WAACK, J., TURNER, A.D., LEWIS, A.M., LAWTON, L.A. and EDWARDS, C. 2021. Rapid uptake and slow depuration: health risks following cyanotoxin accumulation in mussels? Environmental pollution [online], 271, article ID 116400. Available from:

Freshwater cyanobacteria produce highly toxic secondary metabolites, which can be transported downstream by rivers and waterways into the sea. Estuarine and coastal aquaculture sites exposed to toxic cyanobacteria raise concerns that shellfish may ac... Read More about Rapid uptake and slow depuration: health risks following cyanotoxin accumulation in mussels?.

Trilogues in council: disrupting the diplomatic culture? (2020)
Journal Article
BRANDSMA, G.J., DIONIGI, M.K., GREENWOOD, J. and ROEDERER-RYNNING, C. 2021. Trilogues in council: disrupting the diplomatic culture? Journal of European public policy [online], 28(1): inside the 'black box' of EU legislative trilogues, pages 10-31. Available from:

This article explores the institutionalization of trilogues in the Council. What kind of practices have emerged in the Council to underpin this body’s participation in trilogues, and how do these shape the decision-making culture in the Council? We c... Read More about Trilogues in council: disrupting the diplomatic culture?.

Academic libraries in COVID-19: a renewed mission for digital literacy. (2020)
Journal Article
MARTZOUKOU, K. 2021. Academic libraries in COVID-19: a renewed mission for digital literacy. Library management [online], 42(4/5): the worst case scenario after COVID, pages 266-276. Available from:

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed online learning, blended or hybrid provision as the ‘new normal’ in Higher Education. For most universities and their academic libraries, especially those with a less strong online presence, the pandemic has caused nu... Read More about Academic libraries in COVID-19: a renewed mission for digital literacy..

Impact of rapeseed pomace extract on markers of oxidative stress and DNA damage in human SH‐SY5Y cells. (2020)
Journal Article
POHL, F., GOUA, M., YATES, K., BERMANO, G., RUSSELL, W.R., MACIEL, P. and KONG THOO LIN, P. 2021. Impact of rapeseed pomace extract on markers of oxidative stress and DNA damage in human SH‐SY5Y cells. Journal of food biochemistry [online], 45(2), article e13592. Available from:

With increased longevity and subsequent rise in people with age-related neurodegenerative diseases, protection of neurons from oxidative stress damage has become an important field of study. For the first time, we highlight the neuroprotective proper... Read More about Impact of rapeseed pomace extract on markers of oxidative stress and DNA damage in human SH‐SY5Y cells..

Exploring the potentials, barriers and option for support in the Nigeria renewable energy industry. (2020)
Journal Article
ADEYANJU, C.G., OSOBAJO, O.A., OTITOJU, A. and AJIDE, O.E. 2020. Exploring the potentials, barriers and options for support in the Nigeria renewable energy industry. Discover sustainability, [online], 1(1), article number 7. Available from:

Climate change remains a pivotal area and a persistent challenging issue for deliberation among the nations of the world. Most especially in a country like Nigeria, where fossil fuel remains a pivotal source of socio-economic development and well-bei... Read More about Exploring the potentials, barriers and option for support in the Nigeria renewable energy industry..

The hope of something different: eco-centricity in art and education. (2020)
Journal Article
FREMANTLE, C. 2020. The hope of something different: eco-centricity in art and education. The journal of public space [online], 5(4): art and activism in public space, pages 67-86. Available from:

Educational theorist Gert Biesta proposes that we need to be “in the world without occupying the centre of the world.” (2017, p. 3). This injunction provides a frame with which to interrogate the hybrid practice of ecoart. This practice can be charac... Read More about The hope of something different: eco-centricity in art and education..

Health coaching strategies for weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2020)
Journal Article
SIECZKOWSKA, S.M., PADILHA DE LIMA, A. SWINTON, P.A., DOLAN, E., ROSCHEL, H. and GUALANO, B. 2021. Health coaching strategies for weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Advances in nutrition [online], 12(4), pages 1449-1460. Available from:

Health coaching has emerged as a potential supporting tool for health professionals to overcome behavioural barriers, but its efficacy in weight management remains unclear. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to synthesize and evaluate... Read More about Health coaching strategies for weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis..

Reply to: comment on: "The effects of menstrual cycle phase on exercise performance in eumenorrheic women: a systematic review and meta-analysis"and “The effects of oral contraceptives on exercise performance in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis”. (2020)
Journal Article
ELLIOTT-SALE, K.J., MCNULTY, K.L., GOODALL, S., ANSDELL, P., THOMAS, K., SWINTON, P.A., DOLAN, E. and HICKS, K.M. 2021. Reply to: comment on: "The effects of menstrual cycle phase on exercise performance in eumenorrheic women: a systematic review and meta-analysis" and "The effects of oral contraceptives on exercise performance in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis". Sports medicine [online], 51(5), pages 1111-1113. Available from:

This is a letter to the editor, by the authors, in response to a comment ( ) on two previous articles published in Sports Medicine 50(10), ; Read More about Reply to: comment on: "The effects of menstrual cycle phase on exercise performance in eumenorrheic women: a systematic review and meta-analysis"and “The effects of oral contraceptives on exercise performance in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis”..