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All Outputs (2)

Goal attainment expectancy and goal commitment: relationships with age, gender and solution-focused scaling. (2023)
Journal Article
ABDULLA, A. 2023. Goal attainment expectancy and goal commitment: relationships with age, gender and solution-focused scaling. Coaching psychologist [online], 19(2), pages 24-31. Available from

Two of the most important variables in coaching and goal attainment are (goal attainment) expectancy and (goal) commitment. The present study examined how these variables relate to age, gender and solution-focused scaling. 130 participants – randomly... Read More about Goal attainment expectancy and goal commitment: relationships with age, gender and solution-focused scaling..

Brief computerised self-help interventions, the "miracle question", and the moderating effects of openness-to-experience. (2023)
Journal Article
ABDULLA, A. 2023. Brief computerised self-help interventions, the "miracle question", and the moderating effects of openness-to-experience. International journal of wellbeing [online], 13(3), pages 24-47. Available from:

Brief, self-help positive psychology interventions (PPIs) have certain advantages over longer, guided interventions (e.g. higher completion rates). The "Miracle Question(s)" – the most famous intervention in solution-focused therapy and coaching – ap... Read More about Brief computerised self-help interventions, the "miracle question", and the moderating effects of openness-to-experience..