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Italian video art centers and archives: a treasure yet to discover. (2015)
Book Chapter
LEUZZI, L. 2015. Italian video art centers and archives: a treasure yet to discover. In Smite, R., Smits, R. and Manovich, L. (eds.) Data drift: archiving media and data art in the 21st century. Acoustic space, 14. Rīga: RIXC, pages 121-127 (108-114).

Italy was a vibrant centre of video art production and exhibition, throughout the 1970s and 1980s. This period was all the more remarkable because of the early date and the international reach of the work produced. Artists connected to the Italian vi... Read More about Italian video art centers and archives: a treasure yet to discover..

Urban planning and climate change mitigation: using virtual reality to support the design of a university master plan extension. (2015)
Book Chapter
BENNADJI, A., LAING, R. and GRAY, D. 2015. Urban planning and climate change mitigation: using virtual reality to support the design of a university master plan extension. In Silva, C.N. (ed.) Emerging issues, challenges, and opportunities in urban e-planning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global [online], chapter 10, pages 210-229. Available from

The aim of the research described in this chapter is to explore the use of intelligent virtual transport modelling within the context of a case study involving the development of a university estate. Through the application of visualisation technique... Read More about Urban planning and climate change mitigation: using virtual reality to support the design of a university master plan extension..

Corporate social responsibility and development in South Africa: socio-economic contexts and contemporary issues. (2015)
Book Chapter
MUELLER-HIRTH, N. 2016. Corporate social responsibility and development in South Africa: socio-economic contexts and contemporary issues. In Vertigans, S., Idowu, S.O. and Schmidpeter, R. (eds.) Corporate social responsibility in sub-Saharan Africa: sustainable development in its embryonic form. Cham: Springer [online], pages 51-68. Available from:

This chapter will discuss historical contexts and contemporary issues in Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa. Here, the private sector has been forced to adopt socially responsible policies that are more advanced than those in many of the... Read More about Corporate social responsibility and development in South Africa: socio-economic contexts and contemporary issues..

The role of networking in the growth process of entrepreneurial family firms. (2015)
Book Chapter
DRAKOPOULOU DODD, S., ANDERSON, A. and JACK, S. 2015. The role of networking in the growth process of entrepreneurial family firms. In Randerson, K., Bettinelli, C., Dossena, G. and Fayolle, A. (eds.) Family entrepreneurship: rethinking the research agenda. Abingdon: Routledge [online], chapter 10, pages 212-238. Available at:

We investigate the role of networks in the growth processes of the entrepreneurial family firm. The study adds to two main stream of literature, drawing together theoretical developments from the family firm realm and networking theory, to investigat... Read More about The role of networking in the growth process of entrepreneurial family firms..

'Context is half the work': developing doctoral research through arts practice in culture. (2015)
Book Chapter
DOUGLAS, A. 2016. 'Context is half the work': developing doctoral research through arts practice in culture. In Cartiere, C. and Zebracki, M. (eds.) The everyday practice of public art: art, space and social inclusion. Abingdon: Routledge [online], chapter 8. Available at:

In 2001-4, a small research team of post doctoral and doctoral artist researchers, working with five cultural partners drew together two apparently incommensurable issues: remote rural culture and contemporary art. The thrust of their questions was s... Read More about 'Context is half the work': developing doctoral research through arts practice in culture..

The challenges of infrastructure procurement in emerging economies and implications for economic development: a case study of Ghana. (2015)
Book Chapter
ANKRAH, N., MANTE, J. and NDEKUGRI, I. 2015. Challenges of infrastructure procurement in emerging economies and implications for economic development: a case study of Ghana. In Abdulai, R.T., Obeng-Odoom, F., Ochieng, E. and Maliene, V. (eds.) Real estate, construction and economic development in emerging market economies. Abingdon: Routledge [online], chapter 9, pages 174-201. Available from:

Infrastructure comprises the physical facilities, institutions and organisational structures or the social and economic foundations for the operation of a society (UNCTAD, 2008). The World Bank (1994) defines infrastructure in physical and economic t... Read More about The challenges of infrastructure procurement in emerging economies and implications for economic development: a case study of Ghana..

Variable geometry: contemporary art in Bosnia-Herzegovina. (2015)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2015. Variable geometry: contemporary art in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In Lydic, L. and Westphal, B. The silence and the word in the aftermath of the Yugoslav wars. Limoges: PULIM, chapter 11.

The notion of 'conflict' in contemporary art in BiH is multi-faceted. The artistic processing of the catastrophic legacy of the 1992-95 war of ethnic aggression is still ongoing; internationally, the works of artists such as Sejla Kameri{acute}c, and... Read More about Variable geometry: contemporary art in Bosnia-Herzegovina..

The economic reification of entrepreneurship: re-engaging with the social. (2015)
Book Chapter
ANDERSON, A.R. 2016. The economic reification of entrepreneurship: re-engaging with the social. In Fayolle, A. and Riot, P. (eds.) Rethinking entrepreneurship: debating research orientations. Abingdon: Routledge [online], chapter 4, pages 44-56. Available at:

Growth and development at personal, firm and national levels are all, quite properly, attributed to entrepreneurship. However, the importance of these entrepreneurial outcomes has shaped how we perceive entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial concept.... Read More about The economic reification of entrepreneurship: re-engaging with the social..

Making collaboration work: application of a conceptual design stages protocol for pre-BIM stages. (2015)
Book Chapter
LEON, M., LAING, R., MALINS, J. and SALMAN, H.S. 2015. Making collaboration work: application of a conceptual design stages protocol for pre-BIM stages. In Mahjoubi, L., Brebbia, C.A. and Laing, R. (eds.) Building information modelling (BIM) in design, construction and operations. WIT transactions on the built environment, 149. Southampton: WIT Press, pages 205-216.

This paper presents the application of a Conceptual Design Stages Protocol during feasibility stages within a multidisciplinary design team, for the purpose of bridging the gap between ideas generation and their representation in later and more advan... Read More about Making collaboration work: application of a conceptual design stages protocol for pre-BIM stages..

Scan to BIM: the development of a clear workflow for the incorporation of point clouds within a BIM environment. (2015)
Book Chapter
LAING, R., LEON, M., ISAACS, J. and GEORGIEV, D. 2015. Scan to BIM: the development of a clear workflow for the incorporation of point clouds within a BIM environment. In Mahjoubi, L., Brebbia, C.A. and Laing, R. (eds.) Building information modelling (BIM) in design, construction and operations. WIT transactions on the built environment, 149. Southampton: WIT Press, pages 279-289.

The emergence in recent years of technology to support the use of data rich models within architecture has significantly aided the uptake of building information modelling. Simultaneously, there has been a rapid expansion in the capabilities and wide... Read More about Scan to BIM: the development of a clear workflow for the incorporation of point clouds within a BIM environment..

It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet. (2015)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2015. It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet. In Thorsen, E., Savigny, H., Alexander, J. and Jackson, D. (eds.) Media, margins and popular culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 249-261. Available from:

It may be unusual to consider men as a marginalised group, but the male users of the UK discussion forum Mumsnet form a very small minority. While Mumsnet states that it is 'by parents, for parents', the vast majority of the users of its discussion b... Read More about It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet..

Some notes on Luca Maria Patella's videotapes. (2015)
Book Chapter
LEUZZI, L. 2015. Some notes on Luca Maria Patella's videotapes = Alcune note sui videotape di Luca Maria Patella. In Leuzzi, L. and Partridge, S. (eds.) REWIND Italia: early video art in Italy = I primi anni della videoarte in Italia. Barnet: John Libbey Publishing, pages 165-182.

In this chapter Leuzzi retraces Luca Maria Patella's seminal video experimentation in the 1970s, including three videotapes recovered during REWINDItalia in 2011.

Making maps and exploring territory. (2015)
Book Chapter
DOUGLAS, A. and HOPE, M. 2015. Making maps and exploring territory. In Newling, J. The last islands. Banchory: Woodend Barn Publishing, pages 55-59.

This essay co-authored with Mark Hope, co-founder of the Barn, Banchory, forms a chapter in the book, The last islands published on the occasion on the opening of The Map Room of the Last Islands, new work by John Newling at Woodend Barn, Banchory, A... Read More about Making maps and exploring territory..

Civil dialogue and the Citizens' Initiative: accounting for collaboration and competition using the advocacy coalition framework and the strategic action field. (2015)
Book Chapter
GREENWOOD, J. 2015. Civil dialogue and the Citizens' Initiative: accounting for collaboration and competition using the advocacy coalition framework and the strategic action field. In Johannson, H. and Kalm, S. (eds.) EU civil society: patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan [online], chapter 11, pages 193-209. Available from:

The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) has introduced a largely new set of campaigners working in a fresh 'direct democracy' frame at EU level, alongside an established group of Brussels based EU NGOs seeking to institutionalise an elite 'civil dial... Read More about Civil dialogue and the Citizens' Initiative: accounting for collaboration and competition using the advocacy coalition framework and the strategic action field..

Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. (2015)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., MACLEOD, I., GOKER, A., HERON, M., ISAACS, J., ELYAN, E. and KALICIAK, L. 2015. Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. In Jackson, D. and Thorsen, E. (eds.) UK election analysis 2015: media, voters and the campaign: early reflections from leading UK academics. Poole: Bournemouth University, centre for the study of journalism, culture and community [online], page 73. Available from:

The advent of social media such as Twitter has revolutionised our conversations about live television events. In the days before the Internet, conversation about television programmes was limited to those sitting on the sofa with you and people you m... Read More about Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015..

Blot on the landscape: how Brighton and Hove kept the progressive dream alive. (2015)
Book Chapter
MORRISON, J. 2015. Blot on the landscape: how Brighton and Hove kept the progressive dream alive. In Jackson, D. and Thorsen, E. (eds.) UK election analysis 2015: media, voters and the campaign: early reflections from leading UK academics. Poole: Bournemouth University, centre for the study of journalism, culture and community [online], pages 58-59. Available from:

The distinctive three-marginal nature of Brighton and Hove had made it a focus of Labour's 'ground-war' in the months running up to 7 May 2015. Given the city's status as Britain's leading Green stronghold (until 48 hours after the general election,... Read More about Blot on the landscape: how Brighton and Hove kept the progressive dream alive..

Just fatherlands? Judging the Shoah in Strasbourg. (2015)
Book Chapter
LYONS, C. 2015. Just fatherlands? Judging the Shoah in Strasbourg. In Kochenov, D., de Búrca, G. and Williams, A. (eds.) Europe's justice deficit? Oxford: Hart [online], chapter 26, pages 381-400. Available from:

The primary preoccupation of this chapter is an examination of how Europe's highest human rights court works through the enduring effects of the 'moral catastrophe' of the Holocaust. The issue of the role of past inhumanity within Europe's present is... Read More about Just fatherlands? Judging the Shoah in Strasbourg..

A scalable expressive ensemble learning using random prism: a MapReduce approach. (2015)
Book Chapter
STAHL, F., MAY, D., MILLS, H., BRAMER, M. and GABER, M.M. 2015. A scalable expressive ensemble learning using random prism: a MapReduce approach. In Hameurlain, A., Küng, J., Wagner, R., Sakr, S., Wang, L. and Zomaya, A. (eds.) Transactions on large-scale data- and knowledge-centred systems XX: special issue on advanced techniques for big data management. Lecture notes in computer science, 9070. Berlin: Springer [online], pages 90-107. Available from:

The induction of classification rules from previously unseen examples is one of the most important data mining tasks in science as well as commercial applications. In order to reduce the influence of noise in the data, ensemble learners are often app... Read More about A scalable expressive ensemble learning using random prism: a MapReduce approach..

Now it's over to you: a workbook approach. (2015)
Book Chapter
MCFADYEN, M.C.E. 2015. Now it's over to you: a workbook approach. In Thomas, L. (ed.) Compendium of effective practice in directed independent learning. York: Higher Education Academy [online], pages 85-87. Available from:

During the oncology topic within the third year 'Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2' module (CPT2) of the MPharm at Robert Gordon University (RGU), it quickly became apparent that students had difficulty in placing complex concepts into context... Read More about Now it's over to you: a workbook approach..

Body, sign and double: a parallel analysis of Elain Shemilt's "Doppelganger", Federica Marangoni's "The box of life", and Sanja Ivekovic's "Instructions no.1" and "Make up - make down". (2015)
Book Chapter
LEUZZI, L., SHEMILT, E. and PARTRIDGE, S. 2015. Body, sign and double: a parallel analysis of Elain Shemilt's "Doppelganger", Federica Marangoni's "The box of life", and Sanja Ivekovic's "Instructions no.1" and "Make up - make down". In Catricalà, V. (ed.) Media art: towards a new definition of arts in the age of technology. Pistoia: Gli Ori, pages 97-103.

Body; identity; self-representation; sexuality; stereotypical images of women as portrayed by the society and the media; the condition of female professional artists: these themes were expressed and developed in several early video works in the 1970s... Read More about Body, sign and double: a parallel analysis of Elain Shemilt's "Doppelganger", Federica Marangoni's "The box of life", and Sanja Ivekovic's "Instructions no.1" and "Make up - make down"..