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All Outputs (16)

High structural diversity of aeruginosins in bloom-forming cyanobacteria of the genus Planktothrix as a consequence of multiple recombination events. [Dataset] (2023)
ENTFELLNER, E., BAUMANN, K.B.L., EDWARDS, C. and KURMAYER, R. 2023. High structural diversity of aeruginosins in bloom-forming cyanobacteria of the genus Planktothrix as a consequence of multiple recombination events. [Dataset]. Marine drugs [online], 21(12), article number 638. Available from:

Many compounds produced by cyanobacteria act as serine protease inhibitors, such as the tetrapeptides aeruginosins (Aer), which are found widely distributed. The structural diversity of Aer is intriguingly high. However, the genetic basis of this rem... Read More about High structural diversity of aeruginosins in bloom-forming cyanobacteria of the genus Planktothrix as a consequence of multiple recombination events. [Dataset].

Factors influencing career choice of secondary school students in Nigeria. [Dataset] (2023)
ABOLLE-OKOYEAGU, C.J., ONOJA, O. and ONOSHAKPOR, C. 2024. Factors influencing career choice of secondary school students in Nigeria. [Dataset]. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The persistent gender disparities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields stand as a significant barrier to realising the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to gender equality (... Read More about Factors influencing career choice of secondary school students in Nigeria. [Dataset].

P1NP and β-CTX-1 responses to a prolonged, continuous running bout in young healthy adult males: a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis. [Dataset] (2023)
CIVIL, R., DOLAN, E., SWINTON, P.A., SANTOS, L., VARLEY, I., ATHERTON, P.J., ELLIOTT-SALE, K.J. and SALE, C. 2023. P1NP and β-CTX-1 responses to a prolonged, continuous running bout in young healthy adult males: a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis. [Dataset]. Sports medicine-open [online], 9, article number 85. Available from:

Circulating biomarkers of bone formation and resorption are widely used in exercise metabolism research, but their responses to exercise are not clear. To quantify group responses and inter-individual variability of P1NP and β-CTX-1 after prolonged,... Read More about P1NP and β-CTX-1 responses to a prolonged, continuous running bout in young healthy adult males: a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis. [Dataset].

Specific pathway abundances in the neonatal calf faecal microbiome are associated with susceptibility to Cryptosporidium parvum infection: a metagenomic analysis. [Dataset] (2023)
HARES, M.F., GRIFFITHS, B.E., JOHNSON, F., NELSON, C., HALDENBY, S., STEWART, C.J., DUNCAN, J.S., OIKONOMOU, G. and COOMBES, J.L. 2023. Specific pathway abundances in the neonatal calf faecal microbiome are associated with susceptibility to Cryptosporidium parvum infection: a metagenomic analysis. [Dataset]. Animal microbiome [online], 5, article number 43. Available from:

Cryptosporidium parvum is an apicomplexan, protozoan parasite that invades the small intestinal epithelium of neonatal calves. It causes an acute diarrhoeal disease known as cryptosporidiosis, which is characterised by watery diarrhoea, dehydration,... Read More about Specific pathway abundances in the neonatal calf faecal microbiome are associated with susceptibility to Cryptosporidium parvum infection: a metagenomic analysis. [Dataset].

The accuracy of load-velocity relationships to predict 1RM: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. [Dataset] (2023)
GREIG, L., ASPE, R.R., HALL, A., COMFORT, P., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. The accuracy of load-velocity relationships to predict 1RM: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. [Dataset]. Hosted on Open Science Framework (OSF) [online]. Available from:

The load lifted during resistance training is frequently prescribed in terms of a percentage of the maximum load that can be lifted for one repetition (1RM;González-Badillo and Sánchez-Medina 2010). This process allows for both individualisation of a... Read More about The accuracy of load-velocity relationships to predict 1RM: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. [Dataset].

A sodiophilic amyloid fibril modified separator for dendrite-free sodium metal batteries. [Dataset] (2023)
WANG, J., GAO, Y., LIU, D., ZOU, G., LI, L., FERNANDEZ, C., ZHANG, Q. and PENG, Q. 2024. A sodiophilic amyloid fibril modified separator for dendrite-free sodium metal batteries. [Dataset]. Advanced materials [online], 36(11), article 2304942. Available from:

Sodium (Na) batteries are being considered as prospective candidates for the next generation of secondary batteriesin contrast to lithium-based batteries, due to their high raw material abundance, low cost, and sustainabil... Read More about A sodiophilic amyloid fibril modified separator for dendrite-free sodium metal batteries. [Dataset].

Effect of ice floe on the strength, stability and fatigue of hybrid flexible risers in Artic sea. [Dataset] (2023)
KOROTYGIN, D., NAMMI, S.K. and PANCHOLI, K. 2023. Effect of ice floe on the strength, stability and fatigue of hybrid flexible risers in Arctic sea. [Dataset]. Journal of composites science [online], 7(6), article 212. Available from:

The harsh and extreme conditions in the Arctic region pose new challenges for the technologies and standards established for traditional open water fields, as they may not be suitable for developments in ice-covered waters. Due to the unique challeng... Read More about Effect of ice floe on the strength, stability and fatigue of hybrid flexible risers in Artic sea. [Dataset].

Role of interface in optimisation of polyamide-6/Fe3O4 nanocomposite properties suitable for induction heating. [Dataset] (2023)
GUPTA, R., PANCHOLI, P.V., YU, X., GUPTA, L., STENNING, G.B.G., BUCKNALL, D., FLYNN, D. and PANCHOLI, K. 2023. Role of interface in optimisation of polyamide-6/Fe3O4 nanocomposite properties suitable for induction heating. [Dataset]. Nano-structures and nano-objects [online], 34, article number 100973. Available from:

Induction heating of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and localised melting of the surrounding high temperature engineering polymer matrix by generating microscopic or macroscopic eddy currents during magnetisation of a polymer nanocomposite (PMC) is cr... Read More about Role of interface in optimisation of polyamide-6/Fe3O4 nanocomposite properties suitable for induction heating. [Dataset].

A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. [Dataset] (2023)
OLVERA-RAMÍREZ, A.M., MCEWAN, N.R., STANLEY, K., NAVA-DIAZ, R. AND AGUILAR-TIPACAMÚ, G. 2023. A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. [Dataset]. Animals [online], 13(8), article 1334. Available from:

Wildlife are important reservoirs of bacterial pathogens associated with human diseases. Campylobacteriosis is a relevant gastrointestinal disease in humans and is caused principally by Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. This review compile... Read More about A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. [Dataset].

Multiscale superpixelwise prophet model for noise-robust feature extraction in hyperspectral images. [Dataset] (2023)
MA, P., REN, J., SUN, G., ZHAO, H., JIA, X., YAN, Y. and ZABALZA, J. 2023. Multiscale superpixelwise prophet model for noise-robust feature extraction in hyperspectral images. [Dataset]. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing [online], 61, article 5508912. Available from:

In this paper, we have proposed Multiscale Superpixelwise Prophet model (MSPM), a novel spectral-spatial feature mining framework for noise-robust feature extraction and effective data classification of the HSI. First, we demonstrate that the Prophet... Read More about Multiscale superpixelwise prophet model for noise-robust feature extraction in hyperspectral images. [Dataset].

Exploring the enhancement of infrared absorption through magnetically guided assembly of gold nanoparticle stabilized ferrofluid emulsion. [Dataset] (2023)
OKPOZO, P., DWIVEDI, Y., HUO, D. and PANCHOLI, K. 2023. Exploring the enhancement of infrared absorption through magnetically guided assembly of gold nanoparticle stabilized ferrofluid emulsion. [Dataset]. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

These data have been produced as part of a research project that aimed to develop a method for the preparation of a magnetically-directed self-assembly of gold Pickering ferrofluid emulsion, with the goal of enhancing infrared absorption from the mol... Read More about Exploring the enhancement of infrared absorption through magnetically guided assembly of gold nanoparticle stabilized ferrofluid emulsion. [Dataset].

Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players. [Dataset] (2023)
LEE, J., BRIDGE, J.E., CLARK, D.R., STEWART, C.E. and ERSKINE, R.M. 2023. Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players. [Dataset]. Frontiers in physiology [online], 14, article number 1089971. Available from:

Soft tissue injury (including collagenous tissues, such as skeletal muscle, tendon and ligament) is the most common injury type in women's soccer, and is two-to-five times more common in female than in male soccer players. Indeed, female players suff... Read More about Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players. [Dataset].

Wave-layered dendrite-free lithium deposition with unprecedented long-term cyclability. [Dataset] (2023)
FENG, J., GE, B., WANG, J., ZHANG, L., LIU, D., ZOU, G., TSE, J.S., FERNANDEZ, C., YAN, X. and PENG, Q. 2023. Wave-layered dendrite-free lithium deposition with unprecedented long-term cyclability. [Dataset]. Journal of power sources [online], 560, article 232697. Available from:

As the most promising candidate for next-generation batteries, Li metal batteries (such as Li-air and Li–S) have received considerable attention for their ultrahigh theoretical capacity (3860 mAh g−1), the lowest electrochemical potential (−3.040 V v... Read More about Wave-layered dendrite-free lithium deposition with unprecedented long-term cyclability. [Dataset].

Living through the pandemic in post-Brexit Britain: emotional damage and forms of resilience among middle-aged European citizens. [Dataset] (2023)
RUGGERONE, L. and HACKETT, C. 2023. Living through the pandemic in post-Brexit Britain: emotional damage and forms of resilience among middle-aged European citizens. [Dataset]. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This study ran between October 2021 and June 2022. Using a combination of participant-created artwork and semi-structured interviews, the project aimed to examine the effects of the Coronavirus epidemic and Brexit on the emotional wellbeing of middle... Read More about Living through the pandemic in post-Brexit Britain: emotional damage and forms of resilience among middle-aged European citizens. [Dataset].

Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank. [Dataset] (2023)
WANG, L., LI, X., MONTAZERI, A., MACFARLANE, A.J., MOMOLI, F., DUTHIE, S., SENEKAL, M., EGUIAGARAY, I.M., MUNGER, R., BENNETT, D., CAMPBELL, H., RUBINI, M., MCNULTY, H., LITTLE, J. and THEODORATOU, E. 2023. Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank. [Dataset]. American journal of clinical nutrition [online], 117(3), pages 564-575. Available from:

The aim of this study was to explore the effects of B vitamins and homocysteine on a wide range of health outcomes based on a large biorepository linking biological samples and electronic medical records. Significant nonlinear dose-response relations... Read More about Phenome-wide association study of genetically predicted B vitamins and homocysteine biomarkers with multiple health and disease outcomes: analysis of the UK Biobank. [Dataset].

Study of spatial organisation of magnetic field directed gold-pickering-ferrofluid-nanoemulsion in spin coated film. [Dataset] (2023)
OKPOZO, P. and PANCHOLI, K. 2023. Study of spatial organisation of magnetic field directed gold-pickering-ferrofluid-nanoemulsion in spin coated film. [Dataset]. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Aim is to study the spatial organisation of the magnetically directed gold pickering ferrofluid emulsion via spin coating. The magnetically directed self-assembly manufacturing technique was successfully applied by combining the magnetic field and sp... Read More about Study of spatial organisation of magnetic field directed gold-pickering-ferrofluid-nanoemulsion in spin coated film. [Dataset].