Folded LDA: extending the linear discriminant analysis algorithm for feature extraction and data reduction in hyperspectral remote sensing.
Journal Article
FABIYI, S.D., MURRAY, P., ZABALZA, J. and REN, J. 2021. Folded LDA: extending the linear discriminant analysis algorithm for feature extraction and data reduction in hyperspectral remote sensing. IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing [online], 14, pages 12312-12331. Available from:
The rich spectral information provided by hyperspectral imaging (HSI) has made this technology very useful in the classification of remotely sensed data. However, classification of hyperspectral data is typically affected by noise and the Hughes phen... Read More about Folded LDA: extending the linear discriminant analysis algorithm for feature extraction and data reduction in hyperspectral remote sensing..