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All Outputs (26)

Optimization and experimental verification of the vibro-impact capsule system in fluid pipeline. (2018)
Journal Article
YAN, Y., LIU, Y., JIANG, H., PENG, Z., CRAWFORD, A., WILLIAMSON, J., THOMPSON, J., KERINS, G., YUSUPOV, A. and ISLAM, S. 2019. Optimization and experimental verification of the vibro-impact capsule system in fluid pipeline. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part C: journal of mechanical engineering science [online], 233(3), pages 880-894. Available from:

This paper studies the prototype development of the vibro-impact capsule system aiming for autonomous mobile sensing for pipeline inspection. Self-propelled progression of the system is obtained by employing a vibro-impact oscillator encapsuled in th... Read More about Optimization and experimental verification of the vibro-impact capsule system in fluid pipeline..

Investigation of sand transport in an undulated pipe using computational fluid dynamics. (2017)
Journal Article
TEBOWEI, R., HOSSAIN, M., ISLAM, S.Z., DROUBI, M.G. and OLUYEMI, G. 2018. Investigation of sand transport in an undulated pipe using computational fluid dynamics. Journal of petroleum science and engineering [online], 162, pages 747-762. Available from:

A CFD model has been implemented to investigate the effects the pipe undulation on sand transport. Of particular interest of the present study is the sand deposition in small angled V-inclined bend relevant to oil and gas subsea flowlines where sand... Read More about Investigation of sand transport in an undulated pipe using computational fluid dynamics..

Optimization of the vibro-impact capsule system. (2016)
Journal Article
LIU, Y., ISLAM, S., PAVLOVSKAIA, E. and WIERCIGROCH, M. 2016. Optimization of the vibro-impact capsule system. Strojniški vestnik: journal of mechanical engineering [online], 62(7-8), pages 430-439. Available from:

Optimization of the vibro-impact capsule system for the best progression is considered in this paper focusing on the choice of the excitation parameters and the shape of the capsule. Firstly, the fastest and the most efficient progressions are obtain... Read More about Optimization of the vibro-impact capsule system..

Investigation of species transport in a gas diffusion layer of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell through two-phase modelling. (2012)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M., ISLAM, S.Z., and POLLARD, P. 2013. Investigation of species transport in a gas diffusion layer of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell through two-phase modelling. Renewable energy [online], 51, pages 404-418. Available from:

A two-phase polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell model has been developed to investigate transport of species in a gas diffusion layer taking into account effects of liquid water saturation. A set of governing equations for mass, momentum, species... Read More about Investigation of species transport in a gas diffusion layer of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell through two-phase modelling..

Water dynamics inside a cathode channel of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. (2012)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M., ISLAM, S.Z., COLLEY-DAVIES, A. and ADOM, E. 2013. Water dynamics inside a cathode channel of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Renewable energy [online], 50, pages 763-779. Available from:

The present study focuses on the investigation of water dynamics inside a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell using two different modelling approaches: Eulerian two-phase mixture and volume of fluid interface tracking models. The Eulerian two-phas... Read More about Water dynamics inside a cathode channel of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell..

Numerical study of the effect of effective diffusivity and permeability of the gas diffusion layer on fuel cell performance. (2012)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M., ISLAM, S.Z. and POLLARD, P. 2012. Numerical study of the effect of effective diffusivity and permeability of the gas diffusion layer on fuel cell performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part A: journal of power and energy [online], 226(7), pages 907-921. Available from:

A three-dimensional, single-phase, isothermal, explicit electrochemistry polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell model has been developed and the developed computational model has been used to compare various effective diffusivity models of the gas di... Read More about Numerical study of the effect of effective diffusivity and permeability of the gas diffusion layer on fuel cell performance..